Ok, thanks.  A few notes:

1. --enable-static implies --disable-dlopen.  Specifically: --enable-static 
does two things:

1a. Build libmpi.a (and friends)
1b. Slurp all the OMPI plugins into libmpi.a (and friends), vs. building them 
as standalone dynamic shared object (DSO) files (this is half of what 
--disable-dlopen does -- see #4, below).

2. If you read between the lines, you can also just --disable-dlopen without 
doing --enable-static, and you'll get a libmpi.so with all the OMPI plugins 
slurped up into the library (vs. being built as standalone DSOs).

3. --enable-shared is *not* implied by --enable-static.  So if you 
--enable-static without --disable-shared, you're building both libmpi.so and 
libmpi.a (both of which will have the plugins slurped up -- no DSOs).  Which is 
not a problem -- just wanted to make you aware of it.

4. And just so you're aware, --disable-dlopen actually does two things:

4a. slurp up the plugins, as mentioned above
4b. totally disable the dlopen code in OMPI, meaning that OMPI won't even try 
to open DSOs

I doubt any of this really matters to the issues you're seeing; I just wanted 
to explain these options because I saw several of them mentioned in your mails.

On Jan 17, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Ronald Cohen <rhco...@lbl.gov> wrote:

> Thanks, I've just gotten an email with some suggestions (and promise of more 
> help) from the HDF5 support team.   I will report back here, as it may be of 
> interest to others trying to build hdf5 on mavericks.
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
> Afraid I have no idea, but hopefully someone else here with experience with 
> HDF5 can chime in?
> On Jan 17, 2014, at 9:03 AM, Ronald Cohen <rhco...@lbl.gov> wrote:
>> Still a timely response, thank you.    The particular problem I noted hasn't 
>> recurred; for reasons I will explain shortly I had to rebuild openmpi again, 
>> and this time Sample_mpio.c compiled and ran successfully from the start.
>> But now my problem is trying to get parallel HDF5 to run.  In my first 
>> attempt to build HDF5 it failed in the load stage because of unsatisifed 
>> externals from openmpi, and I deduced the problem was having built openmpi 
>> with --disable-static.   So I rebuilt with --enable-static and 
>> --disable-dlopen (emulating a successful openmpi + hdf5 combination I had 
>> built on Snow Leopard).   Once again openmpi passed its make check's, and as 
>> noted above the Sample_mpio.c test compiled and ran fine.   And the parallel 
>> hdf5 configure and make steps ran successfully.   But when I ran make check 
>> for hdf5, the serial tests passed but none of the parallel tests did.  Over 
>> a million test failures!  Error messages like:
>> Proc 0: *** MPIO File size range test...
>> --------------------------------
>> MPI_Offset is signed 8 bytes integeral type
>> MPIO GB file write test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file write test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file write test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file write test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file write test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file write test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file read test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file read test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file read test MPItest.h5
>> MPIO GB file read test MPItest.h5
>> proc 3: found data error at [2141192192+0], expect -6, got 5
>> proc 3: found data error at [2141192192+1], expect -6, got 5
>> And -- the specific errors reported, which processor, which location, and 
>> the total number of errors changes if I rerun make check.
>> I've sent configure, make and make check logs to the HDF5 help desk but 
>> haven't gotten a response.
>> I am now configuring openmpi (still 1.7.4rc1) with: 
>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openmpi CC=gcc CXX=g++ FC=gfortran 
>> F77=gfortran --enable-static --with-pic --disable-dlopen 
>> --enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default
>> and configuring HDF5 (version 1.8.12) with:
>> configure --prefix=/usr/local/hdf5/par CC=mpicc CFLAGS=-fPIC FC=mpif90 
>> FCFLAGS=-fPIC CXX=mpicxx CXXFLAGS=-fPIC --enable-parallel --enable-fortran
>> This is the combination that worked for me with Snow Leopard (though it was 
>> then earlier versions of both openmpi and hdf5.)
>> If it matters, the gcc is the stock one with Mavericks' XCode, and gfortran 
>> is 4.9.0.
>> (I just noticed that the mpi fortran wrapper is now mpifort, but I also see 
>> that mpif90 is still there and is a just link to mpifort.)
>> Any suggestions?
>> On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> sorry for delayed response - just getting back from travel. I don't know why 
>> you would get that behavior other than a race condition. Afraid that code 
>> path is foreign to me, but perhaps one of the folks in the MPI-IO area can 
>> respond
>> On Jan 15, 2014, at 4:26 PM, Ronald Cohen <rhco...@lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> Update: I reconfigured with enable_io_romio=yes, and this time -- mostly -- 
>>> the test using Sample_mpio.c  passes.   Oddly the very first time I tried I 
>>> got errors:  
>>> % mpirun -np 2 sampleio 
>>> Proc 1: hostname=Ron-Cohen-MBP.local
>>> Testing simple C MPIO program with 2 processes accessing file ./mpitest.data
>>>     (Filename can be specified via program argument)
>>> Proc 0: hostname=Ron-Cohen-MBP.local
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:1] got 0, expect 1
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:2] got 0, expect 2
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:3] got 0, expect 3
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:4] got 0, expect 4
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:5] got 0, expect 5
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:6] got 0, expect 6
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:7] got 0, expect 7
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:8] got 0, expect 8
>>> Proc 1: read data[0:9] got 0, expect 9
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:0] got 0, expect 10
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:1] got 0, expect 11
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:2] got 0, expect 12
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:3] got 0, expect 13
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:4] got 0, expect 14
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:5] got 0, expect 15
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:6] got 0, expect 16
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:7] got 0, expect 17
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:8] got 0, expect 18
>>> Proc 1: read data[1:9] got 0, expect 19
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 1 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD 
>>> with errorcode 1.
>>> But when I reran the same mpirun command, the test was successful.   And 
>>> deleting the executable and recompiling and then again running the same 
>>> mpirun command, the test was successful.   Can someone explain that?
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Ronald Cohen <rhco...@lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> Aha.   I guess I didn't know what the io-romio option does.   If you look 
>>> at my config.log you will see my configure line included 
>>> --disable-io-romio.    Guess I should change --disable to --enable.
>>> You seem to imply that the nightly build is stable enough that I should 
>>> probably switch to that rather than 1.7.4rc1.   Am I reading between the 
>>> lines correctly?
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>> Oh, a word of caution on those config params - you might need to check to 
>>> ensure I don't disable romio in them. I don't normally build it as I don't 
>>> use it. Since that is what you are trying to use, just change the "no" to 
>>> "yes" (or delete that line altogether) and it will build.
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>> You can find my configure options in the OMPI distribution at 
>>> contrib/platform/intel/bend/mac. You are welcome to use them - just 
>>> configure --with-platform=intel/bend/mac
>>> I work on the developer's trunk, of course, but also run the head of the 
>>> 1.7.4 branch (essentially the nightly tarball) on a fairly regular basis.
>>> As for the opal_bitmap test: it wouldn't surprise me if that one was stale. 
>>> I can check on it later tonight, but I'd suspect that the test is bad as we 
>>> use that class in the code base and haven't seen an issue.
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Ronald Cohen <rhco...@lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> Ralph,
>>> I just sent out another post with the c file attached.
>>> If you can get that to work, and even if you can't can you tell me what 
>>> configure options you use, and what version of open-mpi?   Thanks.
>>> Ron
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>> BTW: could you send me your sample test code?
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>> I regularly build on Mavericks and run without problem, though I haven't 
>>> tried a parallel IO app. I'll give yours a try later, when I get back to my 
>>> Mac.
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Ronald Cohen <rhco...@lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> I have been struggling trying to get a usable build of openmpi on Mac OSX 
>>> Mavericks (10.9.1).  I can get openmpi to configure and build without 
>>> error, but have problems after that which depend on the openmpi version.  
>>> With 1.6.5, make check fails the opal_datatype_test, ddt_test, and ddt_raw 
>>> tests.  The various atomic_* tests pass.    See checklogs_1.6.5, attached 
>>> as a .gz file.
>>> Following suggestions from openmpi discussions I tried openmpi version 
>>> 1.7.4rc1.  In this case make check indicates all tests passed.  But when I 
>>> proceeded to try to build a parallel code (parallel HDF5) it failed.  
>>> Following an email exchange with the HDF5 support people, they suggested I 
>>> try to compile and run the attached bit of simple code Sample_mpio.c (which 
>>> they supplied) which does not use any HDF5, but just attempts a parallel 
>>> write to a  file and parallel read.   That test failed when requesting more 
>>> than 1 processor -- which they say indicates a failure of the openmpi 
>>> installation.   The error message was:
>>> MPI_INIT: argc 1
>>> MPI_INIT: argc 1
>>> Testing simple C MPIO program with 2 processes accessing file ./mpitest.data
>>>     (Filename can be specified via program argument)
>>> Proc 0: hostname=Ron-Cohen-MBP.local
>>> Proc 1: hostname=Ron-Cohen-MBP.local
>>> Proc 0: MPI_File_open with MPI_MODE_EXCL failed (MPI_ERR_FILE: invalid file)
>>> MPI_ABORT[0]: comm MPI_COMM_WORLD errorcode 1
>>> MPI_BCAST[1]: buffer 7fff5a483048 count 1 datatype MPI_INT root 0 comm 
>>> I then went back to my openmpi directories and tried running some of the 
>>> individual tests in the test and examples directories.  In particular in 
>>> test/class I found one test that seem to not be run as part of make check 
>>> which failed, even with one processor; this is opal_bitmap.  Not sure if 
>>> this is because 1.7.4rc1 is incomplete, or there is something wrong with 
>>> the installation, or maybe a 32 vs 64 bit thing?   The error message is 
>>> mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, 
>>> thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
>>>   Process name: [[48805,1],0]
>>>   Exit code:    255
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> More generally has anyone out there gotten an openmpi build on Mavericks to 
>>> work with sufficient success that they can get the attached Sample_mpio.c 
>>> (or better yet, parallel HDF5) to build?  
>>> Details: Running Mac OS X 10.9.1 on a mid-2009 Macbook pro with 4 GB 
>>> memory; tried openmpi 1.6.5 and 1.7.4rc1.  Built openmpi against the stock 
>>> gcc that comes with XCode 5.0.2, and gfortran 4.9.0.  
>>> Files attached: config.log.gz, openmpialllog.gz (output of running 
>>> ompi_info --all), checklog2.gz (output of make.check in top openmpi 
>>> directory).  
>>> I am not attaching logs of make and install since those seem to have been 
>>> successful, but can generate those if that would be helpful.
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Jeff Squyres
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