On Nov 5, 2014, at 9:59 AM, <michael.rach...@dlr.de> <michael.rach...@dlr.de> 

> In my   sharedmemtest.f90  coding   just sent to you,
> I have added a call of MPI_SIZEOF (at present it is deactivated, because of 
> the missing Ftn-binding in OPENMPI-1.8.3).

FWIW, I attached one of the tests I put in our test suite for SIZEOF issues 
after the last bug was found.  I have that same test replicated essentially 
three times:

- once for mpif.h
- once for "use mpi"
- ones for "use mpi_f08"

> I suggest, that you may activate the 2 respective statements in the coding ,
> and use yourself the program for testing whether MPI_SIZEOF works now in the 
> upcoming 1.8.4-version.
> For me, the installation of a tarball version is not so easy to do as for 
> you, 
> and the problem with the missing Ftn-bindings is not limited to a special 
> machine.

Right; it was a larger problem.

> Can you tell me, from which OPENMPI-version on  the bug will be removed?

1.8.4 will contain the fix.

> To generalize the problem with the Ftn-bindings:
>   I think OPENMPI-development should go the whole hog,  
>   and check, whether for all MPI-routines the Ftn-bindings exist.
>  This not so much a complicated task, but a somewhat time-consuming task.
>  But otherwise, over a long time more or less angry Users will write emails 
> on missing FTN-bindings and grumble on "that buggy OPENMPI".
>  And you will have to write the answers on and on... .
>  This will finally take more time for developers and users then doing that 
> work now once-for-all.

We do have a bunch of fortran tests, but I admit that our coverage is not 
complete.  SIZEOF was not tested at all, for example, until recently.  :-(

SIZEOF is also a bit of a special case in the MPI API because it *must* be 
polymorphic (I don't think any other MPI API is) -- even for mpif.h.

Jeff Squyres
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