On Nov 10, 2014, at 8:27 AM, Dave Love <d.l...@liverpool.ac.uk> wrote:

>> https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/commit/d7eaca83fac0d9783d40cac17e71c2b090437a8c
> I don't have time to follow this properly, but am I reading right that
> that says mpi_sizeof will now _not_ work with gcc < 4.9, i.e. the system
> compiler of the vast majority of HPC GNU/Linux systems, whereas it did
> before (at least in simple cases)?

You raise a very good point, which raises another unfortunately good related 

1. No, the goal is to enable MPI_SIZEOF in *more* cases, and still preserve all 
the old cases.  Your mail made me go back and test all the old cases this 
morning, and I discovered a bug which I need to fix before 1.8.4 is released 
(details unimportant, unless someone wants to gory details).

2. I did not think about the implications of the v1.7/1.8 series ABI guarantees 
to the MPI_SIZEOF fixes we applied.  Unfortunately, it looks like we 
effectively changed the gfortran>=4.9 "use mpi" ABI in 1.8.2 without fully 
realizing it.  Essentially:

                         "use mpi" ABI in:
                 1.8  1.8.1  1.8.2  1.8.3  1.8.4(upcoming)
gfortran <  4.9   A     A      A      A      A(*)
gfortran >= 4.9   A     A      B      B      ?

(*) = Buggy; needs to be fixed before release

Meaning: gfortran<4.9 has had ABI "A" throughout 1.8.  But we changed it to "B" 
for gfortran>=4.9 in 1.8.2.

So the question is: what's the Right Thing to do for 1.8.4?  Assume we'll have 
something like a "--enable|disable-new-fortran-goodness-for-gfortran-ge-4.9" 
configure switch (where the --enable form will be ABI B, the --disable form 
will be ABI A).  The question is: what should be the default?

1. Have ABI A as the default
2. Have ABI B as the default

I'm leaning towards #1 because it keeps ABI with a longer series of releases 
(1.7.x and 1.8-1.8.1).


>> IIRC, it only affected certain configure situations (e.g., only
>> certain fortran compilers).  I'm failing to remember the exact
>> scenario offhand that was problematic right now, but it led to the
>> larger question of: "hey, wait, don't we have to support MPI_SIZEOF in
>> mpif.h, too?"
> I'd have said the answer was a clear "no", without knowing what the
> standard says about mpif.h,

The answer actually turned out to be "yes".  :-\

Specifically: the spec just says it's available in the Fortran interfaces.  It 
doesn't say "the Fortran interfaces, except MPI_SIZEOF."

Indeed, the spec doesn't prohibit explicit interfaces in mpif.h (it never has). 
 It's just that most (all?) MPI implementations have not provided explicit 
interfaces in mpif.h.

But for MPI_SIZEOF to work, explicit interfaces are *required*.

In OMPI, this has translated to: if your compiler supports enough features, 
MPI_SIZEOF will now have explicit interfaces in mpif.h (modulo ABI issues with 
the v1.8 series).

I predict that the Forum will deprecate MPI_SIZEOF in MPI-4.  But MPI_SIZEOF 
unfortunately will still have to live in OMPI for quite a long time.  :-(

> but I'd expect that to be deprecated anyhow.
> (The man pages generally don't mention USE, only INCLUDE, which seems
> wrong.)

Mmm.  Yes, true.

Any chance I could convince you to submit a patch?  :-)

>> According to discussion in the Forum Fortran working group, it is
>> required that MPI_SIZEOF must be supported in *all* MPI Fortran
>> interfaces, including mpif.h.
> Well that's generally impossible if it's meant to include Fortran77
> compilers (which I must say doesn't seem worth it at this stage).

Fortran 77 compilers haven't existed for *many, many years*.  And I'll say it 
again: MPI has *never* supported Fortran 77 (it's a common misconception that 
it ever did).

The MPI spec is targeting the current version of Fortran (which has supported 
what is needed for MPI_SIZEOF for quite some time.. since F2003? F95? I'm not 
sure offhand).

> If it's any consolation, it doesn't work in the other MPIs here
> (mp(va)pich and intel), as I'd expect.

Right.  I don't know what MPICH's plans are in this area, but the Forum's 
conclusions (very recently, I might add) were quite clear.

>> Keep in mind that MPI does not prohibit having prototypes in mpif.h --
>> it's just that most (all?) MPI implementations don't tend to provide
>> them.  However, in the case of MPI_SIZEOF, it is *required* that
>> prototypes are available because the implementation needs the type
>> information to return the size properly (in mpif.h., mpi module, and
>> mpi_f08 module).
> Fortran has interfaces, not prototypes!

Yes, sorry -- I'm a C programmer and I dabble in Fortran (read: I'm the guy who 
keeps the Fortran stuff maintained in OMPI), so I sometimes use the wrong 
terminology.  Mea culpa!

Jeff Squyres
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