
We have a volume with status = "Failed" after upgrading to 1.1.3.
All our volumes are mounted through glusterfs, and all the others are fine,
the issue is just with one of them:

Name:           pv-storage-1
Labels:         <none>
Status:         Failed
Claim:          openshift-infra/metrics-cassandra-1
Reclaim Policy: Recycle
Access Modes:   RWO,RWX
Capacity:       20Gi
Message:        no volume plugin matched
    Type:               Glusterfs (a Glusterfs mount on the host that
shares a pod's lifetime)
    EndpointsName:      glusterfs-cluster
    Path:               pv-staging-gemnasium-20G-2
    ReadOnly:           false

/sbin/mount.glusterfs is available on all nodes, and I can mount the volume
by hand (everything was working fine before the update).

Any idea to fix this?
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