On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 6:10 PM, Ravi Kapoor <ravikapoor...@gmail.com>

> Ben,
> Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. This is very helpful.
> If I may, I have a few followup questions:
> > ​That is not a great approach to running code.  It's fine for
> development, but you really want to be producing immutable images that a
> developer can hand to QE has tested it, they can hand that exact same image
> to prod, and there's no risk that pieces have changed.
> Q1: It seems like Lyft uses the approach I was mentioning i.e. inject
> code into dockers rather than copy code inside dockers (ref:
> https://youtu.be/iC2T3gJsB0g?t=595). In this approach there are only two
> elements - the image (which will not change) and the code build/tag which
> will also not change. So what else can change?
> > running things in that way means you need to get both the image and
> your class files into paths on any machine where the image is going to be
> run, and then specify that mount path correctly
> Q2: I would think that openshift has a mechanism to pull files from git to
> a temp folder and way to volume mount that temp folder into any container
> it runs.Volume mounts are very basic feature of dockers and I am hoping
> they are somehow workable with openshift. Are they not? Don't we need them
> for lets say database dockers? Lets say a mongodb container is running, it
> is writing data to a volume mounted disk. If container crashes, is
> openshift able to start a new container with previous saved data?

​and just to answer the last part of this explicitly:  yes, persistent
storage is possible with openshift through persistent volumes, the
persistent volume will be re-mounted to the container when it restarts and
the previous data will be present.  My previous email included a link to
docs on persistent volumes for more info.

> Q3: Even if you disagree, I would still like to know (if nothing else then
> for learning/education) about how to run external images with volume mounts
> and other parameters being passed into the image. I am having very hard
> time finding this.
> regards
> Ravi
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Ravi <ravikapoor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So I am trying to use openshift to manage our dockers.
>>> First problem I am facing is that most of documentation and image
>>> templates seem to be about S2I. We are
>> ​When it comes to building images, openshift supports basically 4
>> approaches, in descending order of recommendation and increasing order of
>> flexibility:
>> 1) s2i (you supply source and pick a builder image, we build a new
>> application image and push it somewhere)
>> 2) docker-type builds (you supply the dockerfile and content, we run
>> docker build for you and push the image somewhere)
>> 3) custom​ (you supply an image, we'll run that image, it can do whatever
>> it wants to "build" something and push it somewhere, whether that something
>> is an image, jar file, etc)
>> 4) build your images externally on your own infrastructure and just use
>> openshift to run them.
>> The first (3) of those are discussed here:
>> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concepts
>> /builds_and_image_streams.html#builds
>> ​
>>> considering a continuous builds for multiple projects and building an
>>> image every 1 hour for multiple projects would create total 20GB images
>>> every day.
>> I'm not sure how this statement relates to s2i.  Do yo have a specific
>> concern about s2i with respect to creating these images?  Openshift does
>> offer image pruning to help deal with the number of images you sound like
>> you'll be creating, if you're interested in that.
>>> Q1: Is this right way of thinking? Since today most companies are doing
>>> CI, this should be a common problem. Why is S2I considered impressive
>>> feature?
>> ​S2I really has little to do with CI/CD.  S2I is one way to produce
>> docker images, there are others as I listed above.  Your CI flow is going
>> to be something like:
>> 1) change source
>> 2) build that source into an image (in whatever way you want, s2i is one
>> mechanism)
>> 3) test the new image
>> 4) push the new image into production
>> ​The advantages to using s2i are not about how it specifically works well
>> with CI, but rather with the advantages it offers around building images in
>> a quick, secure, convenient way, as described here:
>> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concepts
>> /builds_and_image_streams.html#source-build
>>> So, I am trying to use off the shelf images and inject code/conf into
>>> them. I know how to do this from docker command line (example: docker run
>>> --rm -it -v /my/host/folder:/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp
>>> openjdk:8-jre-alpine java myClass )
>> ​That is not a great approach to running code.  It's fine for
>> development, but you really want to be producing immutable images that a
>> developer can hand to QE has tested it, they can hand that exact same image
>> to prod, and there's no risk that pieces have changed.
>> Also running things in that way means you need to get both the image and
>> your class files into paths on any machine where the image is going to be
>> run, and then specify that mount path correctly.  It's not a scalable
>> model.  You want to build runnable images, not images that need the
>> application side-loaded via a mount.
>> ​
>>> Q2: How do I configure exact same command from openshift? I will need to
>>> do following steps
>> You shouldn't.  Strictly speaking you can, via pod mount definitions and
>> hostpath volume definitions, but it's not the right way to think about
>> creating and running images in a clustered environment.​
>>> 1. Jenkins is pushing compiled jar files to git repository. First step
>>> will be to pull the files down.
>>> 2. I may have to unzip some files (in case it is bunch of configurations
>>> etc.)
>>> 3. Openshift should use docker run to create containers.
>> ​Assuming you want to continue building jars via jenkins and pushing them
>> somewhere (doesn't have to be git), i'd suggest the following flow:
>> 1) jenkins builds jar and pushes it somewhere
>> 2) an s2i(or docker) build in openshift pulls from that somewhere (either
>> it's pulling the git source that includes the jar, or you can write your
>> own assemble script which pulls the jar from a nexus repo(or a dockerfile
>> which does so) or some other location.  This is discussed here:
>> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#usin
>> g-external-artifacts)
>> You can also do binary builds which don't require you put the content in
>> a git repo:
>> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#binary-source
>> in which case the jenkins job would build the jar locally and then invoke
>> "oc start-build yourbuild --from-file your.jar"
>> ​3) the image will get pushed to a docker registry as part of the build
>> 4) the image gets deployed on openshift, it is fully self-contained and
>> does not need any external mounts.  It can scale up and move between host
>> nodes without any adminstrative maintenance.
>> Hope that helps.
>>> thanks so much for help
>>> Ravi
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>> Ben Parees | OpenShift

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