On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 11:42 PM, Ravi <ravikapoor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ben,
> You have been very helpful. I am sincerely thankful.
> > ​I still think you'll get more mileage by trying to use the system as it
> > was designed to be used(build an image with your compiled source built
> > in) instead of trying to force a different workflow onto it.
> I understand and agree. Accordingly I need to working on 2 step solution
> 1. First step is to get my dockers up and running in a day or two.
> Considering how long it is taking me to understand the system, I want to do
> it the short way first. I.e. able to run following command from within
> openshift
> "docker run --rm -it -v /my/host/folder:/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp
> openjdk:8-jre-alpine java myClass"
> This means
> - download jars/files from source control to a host folder foobar
> - mount the host folder foobar, that has my class files/jars into a java
> docker at /usr/src/myapp
> - run java docker (along with -w flag)

​i'd start by doing a basic tutorial with "oc cluster up" and building one
of the existing applications/running some of the existing images.

Then you can advance to building your own image (either building it using
openshift, or building it yourself via "docker build" and pushing the image
to a registry so you can then deploy it on openshift using "oc new-app" or
"oc run".

> 2. Once I can get system up, I will continue to understand how to make S2I
> operational and switch to it once I have enough confidence. I am struggling
> with the fact that running php through S2I seems to be straightforward. No
> special config etc is needed. However to run Java or Node code, the repo
> should have particular images or package.json etc. and so far I am not able
> to understand what I need to add to the repo to make it S2I compatible.
> In other words, if I create one php file, put in a repo, mention the git
> url in S2I, it works. If I create a single node file or java file or even
> jboss example git (https://github.com/jboss-deve
> loper/jboss-eap-quickstarts) in S2I, the build fails.

​i'm not sure what issues you are having with nodejs, but for java it is
true that the only s2i build images openshift itself provides assume you
are using maven to build your app, that your app produces an ear or war
file, and you are going to run that ear/war on eap, tomcat, or wildfly.  So
if you're trying to build/run a standalone java app, there is no out of the
box s2i builder image that can help you.  It would not be incredibly
difficult to write one, but given where you're at, i'd start by either
using a docker-type build, or building the image manually outside of
openshift and just using openshift to run the image.

I'd be happy to give you some pointers on creating a generic java s2i
builder image when you get to that point.

> I hope that makes sense.
> Regards
> On 9/5/2016 7:33 PM, Ben Parees wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Ravi <ravikapoor...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:ravikapoor...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Ben, thanks for pointing me in right direction. However, after a
>>     week, I am still struggling and need help.
>>     The questions you raised are genuine issues which, if managed by
>>     openshift will be easy to handle, however if openshift does not
>>     manage them, then manually managing them is certainly a difficult
>> task.
>>     Leaving that aside, I have been struggling with running my app on
>>     openshift. Here is a list of everything I tried
>>     As suggested by you, I tried to create a volume and run java docker
>>     with it. I am getting really lost in variety of issues, here are some:
>> ​I still think you'll get more mileage by trying to use the system as it
>> was designed to be used(build an image with your compiled source built
>> in) instead of trying to force a different workflow onto it.
>> ​
>>     - unless I login with service:admin user (no password), I am not
>>     authorized to mount a volume.
>> ​what type of volume?  what do you mean by "mount a volume"?  what
>> commands are you running?​  how is your pod or deployment config defined?
>>     - I can only login with service:admin on command line, the UI gives
>>     me error. So basically I cannot visually see mounted volumes
>>     - There is no way from UI to create a Volume Claim, I must define a
>>     JSON
>>     - I was unable to find any documentation for this JSON and had to
>>     copy from other places
>> ​​you can use "oc set volumes" to add volume claims to a deployment
>> config, once you have (as an administrator) defined persistent volumes
>> in your cluster.
>> you can also "attach storage" to a deployment config from within the
>> openshift console, but that does not apply to your scenario since you
>> are trying to mount a "specific" volume into your pod instead of just
>> requesting persistent storage.
>>     - After all this, how do I know which volume is being attached to
>>     which volume claim?
>> ​you aren't supposed to care.  You ask for persistent storage, the
>> system finds persistent storage to meet those needs, and you use it.
>> If you're trying to set up a specific persistent volume definition with
>> existing content, and then ensure that particular PV gets assigned to
>> your Pod then you don't use a PVC, you just reference the volume
>> directly in the Pod definition as with the git repo volume example.
>>     - I copied mongodb.json and switched image to java.json, this did
>>     not work
>>     - I decided, this was too complex, lets just do S2I. However, when I
>>     cannot find any documentation how to do it. The example images work
>>     but when i try my own node or JEE project, S2I fails. I am guessing
>>     it needs some specific files in source to do this.
>>     - While PHP project https://github.com/gshipley/simplephp
>>     <https://github.com/gshipley/simplephp> works with S2I with only a
>>     php file, when I create a nodejs file, it does not work. I could not
>>     find documentation on how to get my node file to run.
>> ​https://github.com/openshift/nodejs-ex
>> <https://github.com/openshift/nodejs-ex>
>> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/using_images/s2i_images/nodejs.html
>> <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/using_images/s2i_images/nodejs.html>
>> ​
>>     - I tried to do walkthroughs, but most of them are using openshift
>>     online and a command "rhc" that is not available to me.
>> ​i'm not sure what walkthroughs you found, but "rhc" is a command like
>> tool for the previous version of openshift, v2.  So that is irrelevant
>> to what you're trying to do.  The v3 online environment is here:
>> https://console.preview.openshift.com/console/
>> <https://console.preview.openshift.com/console/>
>> and you can find a tutorial here:
>> https://github.com/openshift/origin/tree/master/examples/sample-app
>> <https://github.com/openshift/origin/tree/master/examples/sample-app>
>> (if you already have an openshift cluster, you can start at step 7,
>> "Create a new project in OpenShift. "
>> ​
>>     And all I wanted to do was run one simple command:
>>     docker run --rm -it -v /my/host/folder:/usr/src/myapp -w
>> /usr/src/myapp
>>     openjdk:8-jre-alpine java myClass
>>     ARGGG!! HELP please.
>>     On 8/26/2016 3:24 PM, Ben Parees wrote:
>>         On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 6:10 PM, Ravi Kapoor
>>         <ravikapoor...@gmail.com <mailto:ravikapoor...@gmail.com>
>>         <mailto:ravikapoor...@gmail.com
>>         <mailto:ravikapoor...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>             Ben,
>>             Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. This is
>>         very helpful.
>>             If I may, I have a few followup questions:
>>             > ​That is not a great approach to running code.  It's fine
>>         for development, but you really want to be producing immutable
>>         images that a developer can hand to QE has tested it, they can
>>         hand that exact same image to prod, and there's no risk that
>>         pieces have changed.
>>             Q1: It seems like Lyft uses the approach I was mentioning i.e.
>>             inject code into dockers rather than copy code inside dockers
>>             (ref: https://youtu.be/iC2T3gJsB0g?t=595
>>         <https://youtu.be/iC2T3gJsB0g?t=595>
>>             <https://youtu.be/iC2T3gJsB0g?t=595
>>         <https://youtu.be/iC2T3gJsB0g?t=595>>). In this approach there
>> are
>>             only two elements - the image (which will not change) and
>>         the code
>>             build/tag which will also not change. So what else can change?
>>         Since you're mounting the code from the local filesystem into the
>>         running container, how do you know the code is the same on every
>>         machine
>>         that you're running the container on?
>>         If you have 15 nodes in your cluster, what happens when only 14
>>         of them
>>         get the latest code update and the 15th one is still mounting an
>>         old file?
>>         Or your admin accidentally copies a dev version of the code to
>>         one of
>>         the nodes?
>>         When you look at a running container how do you know what
>>         version of the
>>         application it's running, short of inspecting the mounted content?
>>         When you bring a new node online in your cluster, how do you get
>>         all the
>>         right code onto that node so all your images (thousands
>>         possibly!) are
>>         able to mount what they need when they start up?
>>         Do you put all the code for all your applications on all your
>>         nodes so
>>         that you can run any application on any node?  Do you build your
>> own
>>         infrastructure to copy the right code to the right place before
>>         starting
>>         an application?  Do you rely on a shared filesystem mounted to
>>         all your
>>         nodes to make the code accessible?
>>         These are questions you don't have to answer when the image *is*
>> the
>>         application.
>>         ​
>>             > running things in that way means you need to get both the
>>         image and
>>             your class files into paths on any machine where the image
>>         is going
>>             to be run, and then specify that mount path correctly
>>             Q2: I would think that openshift has a mechanism to pull
>>         files from
>>             git to a temp folder and way to volume mount that temp
>>         folder into
>>             any container it runs.Volume mounts are very basic feature of
>>             dockers and I am hoping they are somehow workable with
>>         openshift.
>>             Are they not? Don't we need them for lets say database
>>         dockers? Lets
>>             say a mongodb container is running, it is writing data to a
>>         volume
>>             mounted disk. If container crashes, is openshift able to
>>         start a new
>>             container with previous saved data?
>>         ​Openshift does support git-based volumes if you want to go that
>>         approach:
>>         https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/volumes.html#add
>> ing-volumes
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/volumes.html#ad
>> ding-volumes>
>>         i'm not sure whether you can provide git credentials to that
>> volume
>>         definition to handle private git repositories however.
>>         ​
>>             Q3: Even if you disagree, I would still like to know (if
>> nothing
>>             else then for learning/education) about how to run external
>>         images
>>             with volume mounts and other parameters being passed into
>>         the image.
>>             I am having very hard time finding this.
>>         ​https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/volumes.html
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/volumes.html>
>>         https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/additional_
>> concepts/storage.html
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/additional_
>> concepts/storage.html>
>>         ​
>>             regards
>>             Ravi
>>             On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Ben Parees
>>         <bpar...@redhat.com <mailto:bpar...@redhat.com>
>>             <mailto:bpar...@redhat.com <mailto:bpar...@redhat.com>>>
>> wrote:
>>                 On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Ravi
>>         <ravikapoor...@gmail.com <mailto:ravikapoor...@gmail.com>
>>                 <mailto:ravikapoor...@gmail.com
>>         <mailto:ravikapoor...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>                     So I am trying to use openshift to manage our dockers.
>>                     First problem I am facing is that most of
>>         documentation and
>>                     image templates seem to be about S2I. We are
>>                 ​When it comes to building images, openshift supports
>>         basically
>>                 4 approaches, in descending order of recommendation and
>>                 increasing order of flexibility:
>>                 1) s2i (you supply source and pick a builder image, we
>>         build a
>>                 new application image and push it somewhere)
>>                 2) docker-type builds (you supply the dockerfile and
>>         content, we
>>                 run docker build for you and push the image somewhere)
>>                 3) custom​ (you supply an image, we'll run that image,
>>         it can do
>>                 whatever it wants to "build" something and push it
>>         somewhere,
>>                 whether that something is an image, jar file, etc)
>>                 4) build your images externally on your own
>>         infrastructure and
>>                 just use openshift to run them.
>>                 The first (3) of those are discussed here:
>>         https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concepts
>> /builds_and_image_streams.html#builds
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concept
>> s/builds_and_image_streams.html#builds>
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concept
>> s/builds_and_image_streams.html#builds
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concept
>> s/builds_and_image_streams.html#builds>>
>>                 ​
>>                     considering a continuous builds for multiple
>>         projects and
>>                     building an image every 1 hour for multiple projects
>>         would
>>                     create total 20GB images every day.
>>                 I'm not sure how this statement relates to s2i.  Do yo
>>         have a
>>                 specific concern about s2i with respect to creating these
>>                 images?  Openshift does offer image pruning to help deal
>>         with
>>                 the number of images you sound like you'll be creating, if
>>                 you're interested in that.
>>                     Q1: Is this right way of thinking? Since today most
>>                     companies are doing CI, this should be a common
>>         problem. Why
>>                     is S2I considered impressive feature?
>>                 ​S2I really has little to do with CI/CD.  S2I is one way
>> to
>>                 produce docker images, there are others as I listed
>>         above.  Your
>>                 CI flow is going to be something like:
>>                 1) change source
>>                 2) build that source into an image (in whatever way you
>>         want,
>>                 s2i is one mechanism)
>>                 3) test the new image
>>                 4) push the new image into production
>>                 ​The advantages to using s2i are not about how it
>>         specifically
>>                 works well with CI, but rather with the advantages it
>> offers
>>                 around building images in a quick, secure, convenient
>>         way, as
>>                 described here:
>>         https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concepts
>> /builds_and_image_streams.html#source-build
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concept
>> s/builds_and_image_streams.html#source-build>
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concept
>> s/builds_and_image_streams.html#source-build
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concept
>> s/builds_and_image_streams.html#source-build>>
>>                     So, I am trying to use off the shelf images and inject
>>                     code/conf into them. I know how to do this from docker
>>                     command line (example: docker run --rm -it -v
>>                     /my/host/folder:/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp
>>                     openjdk:8-jre-alpine java myClass )
>>                 ​That is not a great approach to running code.  It's
>>         fine for
>>                 development, but you really want to be producing immutable
>>                 images that a developer can hand to QE has tested it,
>>         they can
>>                 hand that exact same image to prod, and there's no risk
>> that
>>                 pieces have changed.
>>                 Also running things in that way means you need to get
>>         both the
>>                 image and your class files into paths on any machine
>>         where the
>>                 image is going to be run, and then specify that mount path
>>                 correctly.  It's not a scalable model.  You want to build
>>                 runnable images, not images that need the application
>>                 side-loaded via a mount.
>>                 ​
>>                     Q2: How do I configure exact same command from
>>         openshift? I
>>                     will need to do following steps
>>                 You shouldn't.  Strictly speaking you can, via pod mount
>>                 definitions and hostpath volume definitions, but it's
>>         not the
>>                 right way to think about creating and running images in a
>>                 clustered environment.​
>>                     1. Jenkins is pushing compiled jar files to git
>>         repository.
>>                     First step will be to pull the files down.
>>                     2. I may have to unzip some files (in case it is
>>         bunch of
>>                     configurations etc.)
>>                     3. Openshift should use docker run to create
>> containers.
>>                 ​Assuming you want to continue building jars via jenkins
>> and
>>                 pushing them somewhere (doesn't have to be git), i'd
>>         suggest the
>>                 following flow:
>>                 1) jenkins builds jar and pushes it somewhere
>>                 2) an s2i(or docker) build in openshift pulls from that
>>                 somewhere (either it's pulling the git source that
>>         includes the
>>                 jar, or you can write your own assemble script which
>>         pulls the
>>                 jar from a nexus repo(or a dockerfile which does so) or
>> some
>>                 other location.  This is discussed here:
>>         https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#usin
>> g-external-artifacts
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#usi
>> ng-external-artifacts>
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#usi
>> ng-external-artifacts
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#usi
>> ng-external-artifacts>>)
>>                 You can also do binary builds which don't require you
>>         put the
>>                 content in a git repo:
>>         https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#bina
>> ry-source
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#bin
>> ary-source>
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#bin
>> ary-source
>>         <https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/builds.html#bin
>> ary-source>>
>>                 in which case the jenkins job would build the jar
>>         locally and
>>                 then invoke "oc start-build yourbuild --from-file
>> your.jar"
>>                 ​3) the image will get pushed to a docker registry as
>>         part of
>>                 the build
>>                 4) the image gets deployed on openshift, it is fully
>>                 self-contained and does not need any external mounts.
>>         It can
>>                 scale up and move between host nodes without any
>>         adminstrative
>>                 maintenance.
>>                 Hope that helps.
>>                     thanks so much for help
>>                     Ravi
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>>                 Ben Parees | OpenShift
>>         --
>>         Ben Parees | OpenShift
>> --
>> Ben Parees | OpenShift

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