When I'm sending a plain text message (8bit-chars intentionally unchanged,
as this might probably play a role, although unlikely in this particular

xxxäxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxäxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxx. xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xx.xx. xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxx xx
xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxßxx, xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx "xxx xxx xxx xxxxxxx".

... and forward this mail (inline) to somebody else afterwards, then it
looks nicely and exactly as above in the editor. But once being sent, is
does look like this in the Sent folder:

xxxäxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxäxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxx. xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xx.xx. xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxx xx
xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxßxx, xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx "xxx xxx xxx xxxxxxx".

Have a look at lines #2 and #3... This way it has been sent, and this way
the recipient will see it. We call this a "Kammtext" (or "Kammzitat", if
being a quote). Outlook Express was pretty famous for that, once a while

But why does Roundcube add an LF at the end of line #2 at all?

Environment and relevant config settings:
· IE8, Win7/64, "$rcmail_config['line_length'] = 76;"
· "$rcmail_config['send_format_flowed'] = false;"
· Plugin 'sendcharset' installed and activated, current setting

Hint: The last character of line #2 of the original mail is exactly at pos.

But that's very well within the range of the config setting
"$rcmail_config['line_length']", so no reason to do a line wrap there,
right? And if there should be a reason, why doesn't it apply to the original
mail then?

Ticket required?

Michael Heydekamp
Co-Admin freexp.de
Roundcube Users mailing list

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