> Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 00:27:08 +0100
> From: h.rei...@thelounge.net
>> Is the Alias I suggested correct?
> for what benefit?
>> Or do you mean I should install it once in (e.g.) 
>> username/domain1_com/roundcube and use www.domain1.com for the web 
>> interface, even for domain2.com email addresses?
> http://roundcube.yourcompany.tld/
> ours is for 600 domains and a lot of users, hence you enter your
> username and your password at the login and that's it

I think we are talking at cross-purposes here. You have a single URL for access 
to the Roundcube webmail client, and users' emails can relate to any number of 
domains. What I would like to achieve is two URLs for access to Roundcube 
(www.domain1.com/webmail and www.domain2.com/webmail) where the emails relate 
to domain1.com and domain2.com respectively. Is this possible?                  
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