> From: b...@computerisms.ca
>> I think we are talking at cross-purposes here. You have a single URL for 
>> access to the Roundcube webmail client, and users' emails can relate to any 
>> number of domains. What I would like to achieve is two URLs for access to 
>> Roundcube (www.domain1.com/webmail and www.domain2.com/webmail) where the 
>> emails relate to domain1.com and domain2.com respectively. Is this possible?
> Use ServerAlias in apache so that a single installation answers to
> multiple domain names...

What I had in mind was to add the following to domain1 and domain2:

Alias /webmail /path/to/mydirectory/roundcube

Would Roundcube work with this? I need to ask the hosting company to create 
aliases so want to get it right before asking them.

Thanks in advance,

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