Root should NOT own any directory that is publicly accessed, such as web content. Should there be a breach, then the visitor will have root access to the whole system. It is better if the directory is owned by the web server, and that depends on your platform.

Have you checked other security mechanisms? Sometimes, for example, SELinux on RedHat is a big pain in the butt if you don't configure it properly.

El 2022-12-06 09:15, Bernardo Reino escribió:

On Tue, 6 Dec 2022, Mike Burger wrote:

I suggest chown'ing the entire Roundcube directory structure to be owned by your web server user (apache?), since your web server doesn't (or, at least, shouldn't be set to) run as root.

The web user (www-data) should NOT have write-access to everything.
The whole tree should be owned by e.g. root, allowing read/execute access to everyone (so 644/0755).

AFAIK only the db, logs and temp directories should be writable for the web user. At least this is how I have it, and I think it makes sense.


On 2022-12-06 04:39, Thomas Anderson wrote:

thanks Mr. Reino,

It seemed to work, but I have been unable to get it up and running after a
couple of days of meddling with it.

I am getting, what I think a permission error. What should the roundcube
permissions be set to? Right now,

they are set as root, which should work, right?

Or, should I set them to have the same permissions as the apache "user"?

Right now I am getting this error..

Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible:
/var/lib/roundcube/program, referer:

On 03/12/2022 12:42, Bernardo Reino wrote: Hello,

On 03/12/2022 11:33, Thomas Anderson wrote:
My question is, how exactly would I got about this? I have not been able to find any documentation on doing this. Will keep looking in the interim.
But if anyone can point me in the right direction, and what I should be
mindful of, and/or if I simply just install it over the old version, I
would be thankful?
Everything one needs to know can be found here:

This has always worked quite well (in my case at least):

unpack the archive of the new Roundcube version to a temporary location
(don't replace the Roundcube installation you want to update)
and cd into that directory. From there, run the following command in a
shell: ./bin/ <TARGET-FOLDER>

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