Hi list,

Is the PDF plugin still going to posted this week ?


I have fix that works really really well, based on XSLT. I hope to get it finalized \
in the next week or so. It is part of a much broader PDF plugin overhaul that I've \
been working on for a while now. It is much more highly 'designed' than the current \
plugin, especially the tables (modeled after The Economist, if that helps to picture \
it). Will post to JIRA when it is done (I am also recovering from a hard disk crash \
at the moment...)

There are a few caveats with the tables -- namely, that column widths must be \
expressed in percentages rather than relative widths (1 2 3* etc.) or pixels. Also, \
the stylesheet at the moment requires that tables have <thead> elements.

Coming very soon...


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