On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 06:24, Jamie McCrindle wrote:
> All,
> Further to discussions on standardising the POM, i mailed Jose Cronembold,
> the specification lead for jsr 198 about what the plans are for a
> standardised project model. 
> Jose kindly allowed me to republish his responses on this list. Apologies in
> advance for any misrepresentation I've done of Maven.

Then maybe you should consider actually consulting the actual developers
of Maven before going off into conversations with others about Maven.
There are many of us here who have direct dealings with Sun or the JCP,
we don't need anyone to talk to Sun on our behalf thank you very much.
As well if they were actually interested someone from the JSR would have
contacted us. I speak with Tom Kincaid from Sun a couple times a month
and it's not like people inside Sun don't know what Maven is though I'm
sure they don't know what it does.

As well, the attempt by Sun to stick their fingers in everything is like
the behaviour of a greedy child. Soon there will be a JSR to define
which hand Java developers should wipe their ass with, it's just
ridiculous. I simply don't think they will come up with anything that's
a revelation to anyone here.


Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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