Jason van Zyl wrote:

On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 10:07, Berin Loritsch wrote:

Is there a magic flag to identify a runtime dependency from a compile
time dependency?  For example, Xerces and Xalan may be needed to compile
some aspects of a project (some people use it to generate java source
code), but never needed at run time.

There is no facility yet. But we've talked about it for a long time and
we do have working code for it in experimental versions of Maven but the
real crux of the problem is collecting POMs in the repositories so we
can build the necessary graphs. In this way you would only have to state
the compile time dependencies and the runtime dependencies would be

Not something that is going to make it into 1.0.


I don't mind so much requiring the user to include all dependencies in the
dependency declaration, and some of those dependencies are constant with
what I am setting up.  The big thing is being able to distinguish between
the ones that are needed at runtime so that I can only copy those and ignore
the others.

While recursive runtime dependency tracking would be *nice*, it won't be
necessary.  In 9 out of 10 cases, your runtime dependencies are required
for compilation anyway so they would need to be included in the dependencies

Are you trying to assemble a container runtime?


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