> > modules/web/project.xml   (Builds foo.war)
> Must state a dependency on foo.jar

No, it mustn't.

It must state a dependency on bar.jar. You are misunderstanding the example.

There is no foo.jar. A .war file is perfectly capable of containing its own
code. In some cases (particularly for in-place debugging) it is extremely
useful not to have code of a .war bound into a .jar file.

The problem is coming where the code in the .war file requires bar.jar and
bar.jar is generated by code.

> Maven needs the dependencies to be satisfied before it will 
> do ANYTHING with a project.

Doesn't this, then, preclude using Maven from doing things which make sure
the dependencies are satisfied? If I must first have a jar in the repository
in order to clean the project that creates that jar, how does anything get
built from scratch?

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