Steve Garcia wrote:
> Yup, I feared that almost all of Maven's plugins rely on a single source
> directory.

It is a conscious design decision, not an unintended mis-feature.

> I guess another solution is to move all of the source to a single temp
> directory before any plugins are executed.

Yet another one, but much more Mavenish is to break down your project
into multiple smaller projects connected with a network of dependencies.
Each of these will have a directory for sources and tests.

I know that this approach may not be easy to adopt for certain projects
especially in corporate enviroments.

> Are there any suggestions or enhancement requests to require plugins to
> handle multiple source directories?  If that can be a requirement, then this
> idea wouldn't seem difficult to deal with.

Proposals to enhance plugins in this way are very unlikely to be
accepted (see above).


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