On Friday, September 26, 2003, at 02:54 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

5) Assumptions from OSS
Too much assumes the OSS model, where deployments are via
scp/ssh. A corporate environment will use file copies far
more often. I suggest that each place where communication
takes place should use a uniform definition of communication.

I think you are assuming a lot about a typical corporate environment :) I
would think most have separate networks and machines for building,
deploying, developing, and they have to get around either by ftp or ssh.
Both are available in the aritfact plugin, as well as file.
Obviously you work for companies with lots of money. I would suggest that
there are more places around the 100 developer mark than the 1000 developer
mark. And the smaller ones don't have dedicated networks for building and

I'm in a 30 person company with a development team of 5 and we have a separate dev environment, qa environment and of course production environments. By separate I mean really, really separate - separate firewalls, separate DMZ's, separate secure areas. Can't get from one to another.

Geir Magnusson Jr                                   203-956-2604(w)
Adeptra, Inc.                                       203-434-2093(m)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   203-247-1713(m)

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