> John D Taylor (ROE) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  Jim Crossley wrote:
>  > A runoff between the top 2 vote getters listed at
>  > http://projects.walding.com/powered/
>  >
>  > propaganda or feather?
>  +1 propaganda
> Much more striking, and because most non-US citizens probably find the
> debate baffling!  (Though maybe Europeans would have had a similar
> to the original poster if the logo had included a swastika)

It seems to me that they ought to have the same reaction to the propaganda
logo, if they'd put Hitler into context.  The propaganda logo is essentially
a Chinese communist flag, though the reversed E looks to me to be a kind of
faux Russian.

The Chinese government is responsible, in one way or another, for probably
around 35 million deaths between 1949 and the present day; whilst many
millions of these deaths were attributable not to malice as such but to
economic mismanagement resulting in famine.

The Soviet regime between 1917 and 1990 is responsible for something in the
vicinity of 62 million deaths, though this includes many millions killed
during WWII.

Hitler, by comparison, managed only about 21 million.

That the Chinese and Russian regimes aren't held in the same light as
Hitler's regime is a quirk of history rather than due to any particular
merits that these regimes may have had; Stalin was a "good guy" -- for a few
years, at least -- and managed to perform his acts if not in private then at
least within his own borders.

As such, the communist Chinese/Soviet imagery seems quite bizarre.  These
are not regimes that one would wish to deliberately associate with.  The
logo seems quite perverse.

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