* Mark R. Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-26 14:22]:
> Peter Bright wrote:
> >The Chinese government is responsible, in one way or another, for
> >probably around 35 million deaths between 1949 and the present day;
> >whilst many millions of these deaths were attributable not to malice
> >as such but to economic mismanagement resulting in famine.
> >
> >The Soviet regime between 1917 and 1990 is responsible for something
> >in the vicinity of 62 million deaths, though this includes many
> >millions killed during WWII.
> >
> >Hitler, by comparison, managed only about 21 million.
> >
> >That the Chinese and Russian regimes aren't held in the same light as
> > Hitler's regime is a quirk of history rather than due to any
> >particular merits that these regimes may have had; Stalin was a "good
> >guy" -- for a few years, at least -- and managed to perform his acts
> >if not in private then at least within his own borders.
> >
> >As such, the communist Chinese/Soviet imagery seems quite bizarre.
> >These are not regimes that one would wish to deliberately associate
> >with.  The logo seems quite perverse.
> If your going to compare data like this,maybe you should normalize it a
> little for timescale:
> 1933 to 1944 ~ 10 Years, 21 million deaths = 2.1 million deaths a year
> 1949 to now ~ 54 Years, 35 million deaths = 0.6 million deaths a year
> 1917 to 1990 ~ 73 Years, 62 million deaths = 0.8 million deaths a year
> if the Nazi's had stayed in power till now (~70 years) with the same
> genocidal mentality witnessed during Hitler Germany, ~ 150 million
> people would be dead at the hands of Nazi's. Its very sad to consider
> when you compare the numbers, and still recognize we're talking about
> millions and millions of human lives. This is not a subject to be taken
> lightly upon.
> And I also suspect that US Foreign policy over the last 70 years 
> probably looks as shameful if you count all the "propped-up 
> dictatorships" and wars into it.

If it was a feather to begin with I wouldn't have to read this crap.

    This is no place to discuss genocide. This is going to start
    reading like an AOL message board, with dreadful faux stats and
    horrible anecdotes from the History Channel.
    Mr Bright makes a valid point, about the logo, but the thread
    degenerates quickly into the sort of rambings I dispise.

Alain Javier Guarnieri del Gesu - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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