I am new to maven and was going thru the User's Guide, that puzzled me a
I am not sure how to define dependence on a package as a whole.
says that dependence element is constructed by the following pattern:


Suppose, I am developing a project and I use hibernate to help out
with persistence. Hibernate is versioned and has multiple jars
in its package. Ideally I would only want to say that my project
depends on hibernate version so and so, and not list every single
jar of hibernate as dependence of my project. From what it looks like
from the docs and by trying it is impossible to rely on a versioned
package, or am I missing something? In addition what if the future
versions of hiberante will change the set of jars? It would be a real
pain to switch between versions. Some project are relased every two
weeks or so, for me this means I would have to potentially change or
at least revise my dependencies every two weeks.

If I can somehow rely on the whole package then how would I declare
the exact version of the package that I rely on, since version is
not specified on groupId (I take it as my package identifier) level
but rather on artifactId?

Your suggestions and answers would be greatly appreciated!


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