I have been using menu ref, even as recently as two days ago in one of the 
Which version of site-plugin are you using? I'm using 2.0-beta-7. Do all the 
sibling modules
have a site descriptor, with menu ref="parent"?
The breadcrumbs could be a problem in the default skin. I don't use the default 
if you know velocity, you can download the default skin and peer into where 
might be going wrong. (BTW, you can change the skin in site.xml)

mohan kr

-----Original Message-----
From: David C. Hicks [mailto:dhi...@i-hicks.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 6:57 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: site.xml for parent/child site which are siblings

I would really like to know if you're using the <menu ref="parent"/> and
if it works??
I've been playing with it for the better part of two days, and I cannot
get the parent link to show up at all.
I've also been playing with breadcrumbs, but they appear to be severely
broken - or, I just don't understand what they're supposed to be used
for.  :-)

jaybytez wrote:
> Looks like it works if use the following at the command line:
> $ mvn site:stage
> -DstagingDirectory=c:/beaportal/user_projects/workspaces/default/avitek/published-site/site
> Is it best to build a site to a staging area and then push that staging area
> to a remote server?
> It appears to correctly have created the site with no modifications to POMs.
> My only outstanding question now is, the menu ref="parent" is not working
> for me in the child poms...any reason for this?
> Thanks - jay
> jaybytez wrote:
>> I have the following structure for my app:
>> avitek
>> -avitekApp (EAR)
>>   - pom.xml
>> -avitekParent
>>   - src/site/site.xml
>>   - pom.xml
>> -avitekWeb (WAR)
>>   - pom.xml
>> My parent pom.xml in avitekParent says the following:
>> [code]
>>     <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>>     <groupId>avitek-sample</groupId>
>>     <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
>>     <packaging>pom</packaging>
>>     <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>     <name>Maven 2 Portal Sample</name>
>>     <modules>
>>         <module>../avitekApp</module>
>>         <module>../avitekWeb</module>
>>     </modules>
>> [/code]
>> Then my site.xml for the parent (avitekParent) says this:
>> [code]
>> <menu ref="modules" name="Components"/>
>> [/code]
>> So when I open:
>> C:\beaportal\user_projects\workspaces\default\avitek\avitekParent\target\site\index.html
>> It gives me links to my child projects (modules), but the urls that get
>> generated into the html are like this:
>> C:\beaportal\user_projects\workspaces\default\avitek\avitekParent\target\site\avitekWeb\index.html
>> And they need to look like:
>> C:\beaportal\user_projects\workspaces\default\avitek\avitekWeb\target\site\index.html
>> Any thoughts or suggestions?
>> Thanks...jay

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