I ran into a difficulty with compiling and/or packaging a
gwt/remoting/ejb application for jboss. What I have is the following:
    A main project (pom)
       - a subproject "jar" (java-server code packaged into an ejb-jar)
       - a subproject "war" (gwt-generated code, packaged into a war)
       - a subproject "ear" (jboss-ear, packaging the "jar" and the
"war" subproject)

The "war"-subproject has a (source) dependency to the "jar"-subproject
as it depends partially on source (just some types) from the ejb-jar.
Its just that the gwt compiler needs a few modules from there.
That compiles fine as long as the sources from the "jar" tree are
included into the created ejb-jars. But I don't want the sources of the
modules "jar" included into the deployed ejb-jar.

What I tried to do is to use the generateClient option of the
maven-ejb-plugin to generate a client-jar with the sources (that just
serves the purpose to provide the sources for the gwt-compiler with the
"war"-subproject) and a server-jar without the sources that actually
gets deployed.

I added my try (the significant part of the pom-file of the
jar-subproject) at the bottom, but that doesn't work. The sources are
always included in both jar (client and server) independent of the
exclude directive

Does someone have an idea why my try (excluding the *.java files from
the server jar) isn't working? Or does someone know if there is a way to
introduce a "source-only" and compile-time dependency between two
subprojects? Or is there any other way to solve this?



                            <!-- addClasspath>true</addClasspath -->


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