The Sonatype book

2009/9/10 James Russo <>:
> Thanks Wes,
>   I understand. I guess for me, I'm really looking to automate the release
> portion of things. So, when I fix something or commit a change (to a version
> already released and deployed), I can just wait at the end of this big
> machine (build server) for a new release to be created with a new build
> number on it ready to go.
> I would think you would want to post snapshots from the CI server to the
> repo so that all other developers would be constantly getting the snapshots
> of dependent artifacts without someone having to do a deploy. The CI server
> is doing the deploy each time there is a SCM change.
> Any good place to read more about this stuff? Like how to organize svn in a
> way which permits you to fix bugs and create features at the same time..What
> version do you leave on the trunk, are you working on new versions/features
> in branches, etc. I'd be interested in hearing about what convention and
> assumptions maven uses in this regard with the release module.
> thanks,
> -jr
> Wes Wannemacher wrote:
>> I use CI to make sure that unit tests all still pass in other
>> artifacts. For instance, I make changes in artifactA and somewhere
>> down a dependency chain, artifactB is affected... I may not realize
>> that my change breaks artifactB, I may not even know that artifactB
>> exists, but if the CI build shows test failures, someone knows where
>> to start looking (the changes the initiated the build?).
>> The CI does push to our nexus repo, but to me the fact that it can do
>> that is irrelevant.
>> -Wes
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 4:20 PM, James Russo <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>  This is likely more of a software engineering related maven question.
>>> With
>>> the concept of snapshots and versioned artifacts where would a continuous
>>> build system come into place? How do others use it? I guess you really
>>> have
>>> two options, the CI system can produce snapshots or it can produce
>>> version'd
>>> releases.  I would imagine that you would want to have the CI server
>>> publish
>>> these artifacts back to your local internal repository..
>>> So, how do others use continuous integration servers like hudson in their
>>> maven environment?
>>> thanks!
>>> -jr
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