Hmm... Just tried specifying <createDb>false</createDb> in my
settings.xml and it STILL does NOT activate any profiles! Anyone has
any idea of what's going on here?

Thanks in advance for your help.


On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Yaakov Chaikin
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am clearly not understanding how properties propagate in maven...
> I have a multi-module project where I have a root pom.xml
> (<packaging>pom</packaging>) and a number of child modules.
> In my root pom.xml I have this:
> <properties>
>  <createDb>false</createDb>
> </properties>
> In one of the my child module's pom.xml I have the following:
> ...
> <profiles>
>  <profile>
>    <id>SkipDbCreationIsTrue</id>
>    <activation>
>        <property>
>           <name>createDb</name>
>           <value>false</name>
>        </property>
>     </activation>
>     <properties>
>         <skipDbCreation>true</skipDbCreation>
>     </properties>
>   </profile>
>    <profile>
>    <id>SkipDbCreationIsFalse</id>
>    <activation>
>        <property>
>           <name>createDb</name>
>           <value>true</name>
>        </property>
>     </activation>
>     <properties>
>         <skipDbCreation>false</skipDbCreation>
>     </properties>
>   </profile>
> <profiles>
> ...
> When I do mvn help:active-profiles neither of these profiles are
> active! However, when I specify the property directly on the command
> line, depending on its value, the correct profile gets activated. It's
> as if 'createDb' property, which I am using to do activation, is not
> there at the time maven decides which profiles to use.
> I could place the 'createDb' property into settings.xml, but I don't
> want to do that for reasons outside the scope of this question.
> Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong here? I already checked the
> spelling of the property in both places and it's correct...
> Any ideas anyone?
> Thanks,
> Yaakov.

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