On Mar 9, 2010, at 7:30 PM, Ken Egervari wrote:

> Unfortunately the people that create language tool (it's a multi-language
> grammar checker library for Java) don't believe in Maven. They have this
> belief that it's buggy and use Ant. They somehow think that Ant is superior,
> so they just don't even bother supporting Maven for the people that do use
> it.

That's all fine. I'm not religious about it, build with what you like but if 
they want people who use Maven-repositories -- which is pretty much every build 
system these days -- then they need correct metadata. Do them and yourself a 
favor and make a POM and then submit it to us to place in Maven Central 
properly. If the project doesn't want to do it then we will allow 3rd parties 
to place the artifacts in Maven Central.

> Also, all the libraries they use are not in Maven repositories either. I
> know... I get a sick feeling in my stomach too when 99% of my project is
> using standard, maven-aware stuff and then there is this one open source
> project that is the outlier who just refuses to conform.

Ah well, can't win over everyone. Nonetheless if you make a POM you'll save 
everyone in your wake the pain.

> *shrugs*
> Ken
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@sonatype.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 9, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Ken Egervari wrote:
>>> Oh, Okay... Thanks! I just used the -DgeneratePom=true for all 5
>> libraries
>>> and now it doesn't put that annoying stuff. Maybe true should be default
>>> perhaps? Thanks ;)
>> The reason that's not done by default is that we cannot glean the
>> dependencies automatically with that plugin so unless the artifacts are
>> completely self-contained they are likely incorrect. Incorrect metadata is
>> often worse then no metadata because without the right metadata Maven can't
>> create correct classpaths for testing, and packaging WARs with missing
>> runtime requirements or worse. Artifacts without POMs are just bad news. I
>> would track down the dependencies or find a correct POM.
>>> Ken
>>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Jason van Zyl <ja...@sonatype.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Maven is doing what it's supposed to. You've added the artifact without
>> the
>>>> POM, add a POM even a stub one and the message will go away.
>>>> Artifacts are not allowed in Maven Central with the POM, it's a Maven
>>>> requirement.
>>>> On Mar 9, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Ken Egervari wrote:
>>>>> Hi, I am using a library called Language tool. Since it does not have a
>>>>> maven repository anywhere, I had to make a local one for it.
>>>>> Unfortunately, every time I execute any maven task, Maven will check
>> all
>>>> the
>>>>> repositories for updated copies. This process can be rather slow and
>> I'd
>>>>> rather maven just skipped it for these locally added libraries. This is
>>>> what
>>>>> it spits out. How do I stop it?
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release/languagetool/languagetool/1.0.0/languagetool-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:languagetool:
>>>>> pom:1.0.0' in repository com.springsource.repository.bundles.release (
>>>>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/languagetool/languagetool/1.0.0/languagetool-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:languagetool:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository Springframework milestone (
>>>>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/languagetool/languagetool/1.0.0/languagetool-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:languagetool:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository jboss (http://repository.jboss.com/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/languagetool/languagetool/1.0.0/languagetool-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:languagetool:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository snapshots.jboss.org (http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/languagetool/languagetool/1.0.0/languagetool-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:languagetool:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release/languagetool/resource/1.0.0/resource-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:resource:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository com.springsource.repository.bundles.release (
>>>>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/languagetool/resource/1.0.0/resource-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:resource:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository Springframework milestone (
>>>>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/languagetool/resource/1.0.0/resource-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:resource:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository jboss (http://repository.jboss.com/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/languagetool/resource/1.0.0/resource-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:resource:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository snapshots.jboss.org (http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/languagetool/resource/1.0.0/resource-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:resource:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>>> repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release/languagetool/rules/1.0.0/rules-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:rules:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>> repository
>>>>> com.springsource.repository.bundles.release (
>>>>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/languagetool/rules/1.0.0/rules-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:rules:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>> repository
>>>>> Springframework milestone (http://maven.springframework.org/milestone)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/languagetool/rules/1.0.0/rules-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:rules:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>> repository
>>>>> jboss (http://repository.jboss.com/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/languagetool/rules/1.0.0/rules-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:rules:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>> repository
>>>>> snapshots.jboss.org (http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>>>>> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/languagetool/rules/1.0.0/rules-1.0.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:rules:pom:1.0.0' in
>>>> repository
>>>>> central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release/languagetool/segment/1.3.0/segment-1.3.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:segment:pom:1.3.0' in
>>>>> repository com.springsource.repository.bundles.release (
>>>>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/languagetool/segment/1.3.0/segment-1.3.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:segment:pom:1.3.0' in
>>>>> repository Springframework milestone (
>>>>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/languagetool/segment/1.3.0/segment-1.3.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:segment:pom:1.3.0' in
>>>>> repository jboss (http://repository.jboss.com/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/languagetool/segment/1.3.0/segment-1.3.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:segment:pom:1.3.0' in
>>>>> repository snapshots.jboss.org (http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/languagetool/segment/1.3.0/segment-1.3.0.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:segment:pom:1.3.0' in
>>>>> repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release/languagetool/morfologik/1.2.1/morfologik-1.2.1.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:morfologik:pom:1.2.1' in
>>>>> repository com.springsource.repository.bundles.release (
>>>>> http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/release)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone/languagetool/morfologik/1.2.1/morfologik-1.2.1.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:morfologik:pom:1.2.1' in
>>>>> repository Springframework milestone (
>>>>> http://maven.springframework.org/milestone)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/languagetool/morfologik/1.2.1/morfologik-1.2.1.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:morfologik:pom:1.2.1' in
>>>>> repository jboss (http://repository.jboss.com/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/languagetool/morfologik/1.2.1/morfologik-1.2.1.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:morfologik:pom:1.2.1' in
>>>>> repository snapshots.jboss.org (http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2)
>>>>> Downloading:
>> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/languagetool/morfologik/1.2.1/morfologik-1.2.1.pom
>>>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'languagetool:morfologik:pom:1.2.1' in
>>>>> repository central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jason
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Jason van Zyl
>>>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>>>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Jason van Zyl
>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>> ----------------------------------------------------------



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven

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