Jason van Zyl wrote:
On Mar 10, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Ron Wheeler wrote:

Jason van Zyl wrote:
On Mar 10, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Ron Wheeler wrote:

Anders Hammar wrote:
Eh, not sure what you mean. Are you asking where in the Maven docs it is
stated that the pom should be correct? I think that would go without saying,
don't you? A default pom is most likely never correct, as think Jason said
earlier in this thread.

Cute but not likely the issue. I think we can take correct POMs as a given

If it is in Maven Central it will be correct from now on. But there are many 
POMs that are not correct and what Anders is referring to are the generated 
POMs when you install 3rd party dependencies into your own local repositories. 
Those are almost certainly incorrect. Unless the artifacts you are installing 
have no dependencies then they are wrong. It's a stop gap and we probably 
shouldn't even allow it anymore.

Where does the documentation describe how to make a POM for a 3rd party module 
and why that is worth doing.
For anything going into Central the document is here:


You should really follow the same procedure we follow there.
It does not really address the problem since I am not trying to put something 
into Maven Central and I do not own the domain of the groupId or really care 
about any of the other stuff.

Feel free to ignore our advice. If you're never going to share the artifacts or 
work with anything else then it doesn't matter. If you plan to actually share 
the build with anyone else it will likely matter.

What advice?
I can not share them with anyone else since they are licensed in a way that prevents them from being in Maven Central in the first place. That was the original problem that we are trying to address.

It probably would be a good idea to have a page that just discussed the issue 
of how to create a POM for your own use that describes some third party package.

There is no automatic way, you need to know the dependencies and list them in 
your POM. We'll take patches. Documentation from new users is often the most 
helpful to other users.

This relates to an earlier discussion about the difficulty of using Maven documentation.
It is not written from the user's point of view.
There is probably no individual fact about Maven that is not documented somewhere. The complaint is that it is too difficult to get up to speed in Maven (not started by me but I share the sentiment.) This is just an example of where the documentation is in need of improvement.

If I want to create a repository for my own company's use of 3rd party software that I have downloaded under a license that prevents this package from being distributed in Maven, your view is that I have to know that I will find some of the information to do this by imagining that I am the developer and I want to submit it to Maven Central. That is not the first thought that would come to my mind as a search criteria.

There are a lot more users of these packages than developers but the Maven documentation makes the opposite assumption and writes the method in a way that focuses on the developer rather than the user.

I would suggest that the need to create a minimal pom for a 3rd party package is worth a page in the Definitive Guide and on the web site.

It is probably a trivial page but try to find the page mentioned above by Googling for 
"Maven 3rd party POM" or some other likely search string.

We could just point back to the document I pointed you at. Those are really the 
minimum requirements for artifacts that instead to go beyond a personal/local 

That page is too much oriented in its description to a developer who wants to submit it to Central. It has policy discussions and directions about proving that you own the GroupId domain, that a user pretty quickly decides that the page does not apply to the problem that he is trying to solve since he meets none of the minimum requirements and does not want to (and legally can not) submit someone else's work to Maven Central. Another page that is smaller and more focused on the user's problem of creating a pom for someone else's package should be added. It is a fairly common problem and the maven solution is perfect, once you figure out what to do.


What is the minimum info required? What are the optional things that you should 
try to add for a module that is open source and for one that is not?


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