Hey Wayne,
We don't need to start name calling here.
"zealous ant users"? Would that be someone who believes that their favorite 
tool must be best for everybody. Remind you of anyone?
There are ant users and maven users. And there are zealous users and pragmatic 
users. You don't have to be a zealous user to believe that the tool you are 
using is working fine and it would be a lot of work to change. Instead of 
insisting that people change and complaining (or name calling) if they are 
reluctant, let's take the approach of trying to supply the information we 
believe that they are not aware of yet. You know, that information that if they 
knew it then they would definitely agree with us.
So what is it that these "zealous ant users" should know? I think maybe it is 
"Where is the evidence that me using Maven will make my customers happier?"

We've all heard of the latest greatest thing that would provide massive long 
term benefits if only we would accept the short term pain. Pascal, CASE tools, 
OOD, UML, giving up smoking, losing weight, etc.  Some people just want you to 
try everything they think is good. Other people are naturally resistant.

I told the engineers here that management had decided that we would have to 
change to Maven because it would look so good on everybody's resume.  It's odd 
to have management insisting that we change. After so many years complaining 
that management only looked at the short term goals, now it's management that 
is looking at the long term and the engineers still doubt that they know what 
they're doing. So, even management buy-in isn't the magic pill to success.

<!-- Frank Gorham-Engard →
"It is a misnomer to label any practice 'a best practice'; 
  a practice is only best in the specific context in which it performs well."

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fay [mailto:wayne...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 2:28 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: How to perform ordered tasks in Maven2 build

> It was key for us that it happened in a grass roots fashion.
> A meritocrocy approach, while slow, is generally the best way to
> get buy in. If you force it, everyone will hate it and not be very productive.

I agree 100% with the grassroots, meritocracy approach. But it sounded
like the OP in this thread has no real power to re-architect his
projects/builds and he is working with "zealous ant users".

We know that is the path to failure. So someone, somewhere needs to
give him this power -- ideally its the dev team(s) he is working with,
but it could also be the person they report to, depending on the
culture of the org and the norms in their locale (Asia vs Europe vs US


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