You say the git way of doing things is 1 project -> 1 git repository, I
understand, and it's not very far of having a svn repo for every project in
svn altough the release plugin do not enforce this.

The current state of the release plugin force you to have the pom.xml at the
root of your  git repository or to say it differently if you have a pom.xml
anywhere else than the root directory you can't release the project. (of
course submodule of root located pom.xml do not count)...

It's also common practice in the maven world to have a parent pom to share
common settings. If I follow blindlessly the 1 project -> 1 git repository,
it means I have to setup a git repository for a single parent pom ?

I have the feeling, but I maybe wrong, that this is more a limitation of the
release plugin / scm provider more than a design goal.

Those who migrated to git, what do you do for the above cases, especially
the parent pom one ?


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Justin Edelson <>wrote:

> OK. Then we're on the same page...
> On 4/26/10 11:32 AM, Kathryn Huxtable wrote:
> > Perhaps I wasn't clear. I don't support multiple projects in one
> repository. Definitely not. I was trying to criticize the svn-centric
> thinking, not support it.
> >
> > I think there should be a JIRA issue to make modules work, given that
> they'll be in separate repositories.
> >
> > I'm not going to file this because I have almost zero experience with
> nested projects. There have been places it would have made sense and I shied
> away.
> >
> > But the release plugin should work with git projects that have modules
> and it should do it in the standard git manner, which is one repository
> containing one project. (Distributed, of course.)
> >
> > -K
> >
> > On Apr 26, 2010, at 9:06 AM, Justin Edelson wrote:
> >
> >> Kathryn-
> >> Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean, but I think you have this
> >> exactly backwards. The "svn-centric thinking" is what's inspired someone
> >> to put multiple projects in the same repository. AFAIK, this is simply
> >> not supported by git, i.e. there's no way to clone, branch or tag _part_
> >> of a repository.
> >>
> >> I am by no means a git expert, so I could be mistaken about this.
> >>
> >> Justin
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 4/26/10 9:21 AM, Kathryn Huxtable wrote:
> >>> Having recently switched from svn to git for most of my projects, I
> have an opinion.
> >>>
> >>> I think you should create a JIRA ticket and consider this a bug.
> >>>
> >>> What we're dealing with here is a bit of svn-centric thinking during
> design. It needs to be fixed.
> >>>
> >>> -K
> >>>
> >>> On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:08 AM, Jean-Laurent de Morlhon wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> We're considering migrating from svn to git, we stumble on the
> >>>> maven-release-plugin usage with git.
> >>>> We think we prefer to use a single repository for many independently
> built
> >>>> projects like :
> >>>>
> >>>> foobar-repo.git
> >>>>  |-> project-foo/
> >>>>  |    |-> pom.xml
> >>>>  |    |–> module A/
> >>>>  |    |-> module B/
> >>>>  |
> >>>>  |-> project-bar/
> >>>>       |-> pom.xml
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> project-bar scm url looks like :
> >>>> <connection>scm:git:ssh://somehost.nowhere:/foobar-repo.git
> </connection>
> >>>>
> >>>> This hints to the right repository but I can't write that the actual
> >>>> project-bar is in the project-bar subdirectory.
> >>>>
> >>>> mvn release:prepare goes well and ends succesfully.
> >>>>
> >>>> mvn release:perform fails whenever it tries to build the project from
> the
> >>>> tag. It effectively clone correctly the repository.
> >>>> But use the root of the repository rather than going into project-bar
> >>>> subdirectory whenever it tries to clean deploy the tag.
> >>>>
> >>>> This prevent using git and multiple projects in the same directory.
> >>>> Some may think we should use gitmodules but
> >>>> 1) the release plugin does not support it [1]
> >>>> 2) gitmodules is an aggregate of single repository
> >>>>
> >>>> Should I issue a "new feature" ticket into jira project MRELEASE or
> SCM ?
> >>>> Or should I fall back to the current convention of 1 project = 1 git
> >>>> repository ??
> >>>> Or maybe someone managed to do it ?
> >>>>
> >>>> any advice appreciated.
> >>>>
> >>>> [1] :
> >>>
> >>>
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