Hi all,

I'm wondering if something in maven (a plugin for example) could help me to
chain different plugin goals, not bounded to the default maven lifecycle.

My particular example is the fact that I'd want sort of maven alias allowing
to say "when I launch 'mvn <myAlias>' I'd want to chain clean:clean,
dependency:copy-dependencies and other home made plugin not bound to the
default lifecycle (no need to validate, compile, package etc...)".
I just browsed the existing maven plugins in apache & codehaus and it
doesn't seem such a plugin exists.

Am I completely off the standard maven behaviour ?

I tried, too, to create a custom lifecycle in my "home made plugin", which
would call clean:clean and dependency:copy-dependencies before executing my
plugin main goal .. but I didn't succeeded due to the lack of documentation
about new lifecycle creation (not bound to existing "default", "clean" and
"site" lifecycles) :-(
*(In every maven plugins I looked at, only the maven release plugin seems to
create its own new lifecycle ... but I admit this plugin seems really
complicated to understand !)*
Would you have some pointers/advice about this problematic ?

Thanks in advance.

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