Hi Stephen,

I agree with you, I'll surely use the script-like approach.

Nevertheless, I'd like to point I don't want to "reinvent the wheel" with my
own lifecycle.

I undestand your position which is "let's standardize lifecycles : this way,
we'll can provide out-of-the box features and maintain homogeneity between
I understand, then, the fact that you shouldn't encourage creation of new
lifecycles (this is perhaps the reason why there is a big lack in the
documentation about this point ?).

In my specific case, there is a good reason why I don't why to plug the
"clean copy-dependencies my-home-made-plugin-goal" on the default lifecycle
: I want to execute this specific lifecycle "by hand" (for example, after a
change in the <dependency> section in my pom).
Plugging this on the default lifecycle implies some problems, especially
when using the maven-release-plugin (ex: first step which verify if no local
modifications has been made is blocking sometimes).

I think maven users will always have specific needs that can't be satisfied
by the default (or standards) lifecycle nor "all-made-plugin".
To my mind, maven users should have the possibility to create their own
lifecycles if they  understand the pros & cons of doing so (no problems if
there are lots of disclaimers like "creating your own lifecycle is bad !
Maven team doesn't guarantee the good execution of this lifecycle in the
next version of maven").
I find too bad to say "if you want to chain maven plugins, then call maven
via ANT or shell scripts"


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Stephen Connolly <
stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You are completely off standard maven behaviour.
> easiest solution is to create two files: myAlias.sh and myAlias.bat
> myAlias.sh
> #!/bin/sh
> mvn clean:clean dependency:copy-dependencies ...
> myAlias.bat
> @mvn clean:clean dependency:copy-dependencies ...
> Either that or use ANT.
> Maven has a standardised lifecycle for a reason.... if you don't like the
> standardised lifecycle, either use ANT or change your preferences
> ;-)
> -Stephen
> On 17 May 2010 08:42, Frederic Camblor <fcamb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm wondering if something in maven (a plugin for example) could help me
> to
> > chain different plugin goals, not bounded to the default maven lifecycle.
> >
> > My particular example is the fact that I'd want sort of maven alias
> > allowing
> > to say "when I launch 'mvn <myAlias>' I'd want to chain clean:clean,
> > dependency:copy-dependencies and other home made plugin not bound to the
> > default lifecycle (no need to validate, compile, package etc...)".
> > I just browsed the existing maven plugins in apache & codehaus and it
> > doesn't seem such a plugin exists.
> >
> > Am I completely off the standard maven behaviour ?
> >
> > I tried, too, to create a custom lifecycle in my "home made plugin",
> which
> > would call clean:clean and dependency:copy-dependencies before executing
> my
> > plugin main goal .. but I didn't succeeded due to the lack of
> documentation
> > about new lifecycle creation (not bound to existing "default", "clean"
> and
> > "site" lifecycles) :-(
> > *(In every maven plugins I looked at, only the maven release plugin seems
> > to
> > create its own new lifecycle ... but I admit this plugin seems really
> > complicated to understand !)*
> > Would you have some pointers/advice about this problematic ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Frédéric
> >

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