Your nexus is a proxy for releases from central
Your Nexus has a place to host third party libraries that can not be distributed from Central due to licensing issues.
Your Nexus is a host for your releases
Your Nexus is a host for your SNAPSHOTs
When deploying you only deploy to the last 2

When getting releases, you want to set up Nexus to give you both your own stuff and the other sites that it hosts or proxies
When getting SNAPSHOTS you usually want your own snapshots
When deploying the client needs to tell the IDE where the releases go and where the SNAPSHOTS go.

So the client needs to configure 2 repositories- one for all the releases and one for all the SNAPSHOTS.

Nexus will respond to your requests for whichever sort of artifact that you want but it does need to keep separate lists of configured places on its side to keep things straight so the client needs 2 places to get things and to deploy things.


On 23/08/2010 12:45 PM, ChadDavis wrote:
I'm reading the Nexus book.  It describes how a given repository is
either for releases or snapshots.  It says that the central maven repo
is a release repository.  But then in the example for how to configure
a profile that will use the nexus served repository instead of
central, it shows configuring the central repo to lookup both
snapshots and releases.

This is a bit confusing . . . can someone elaborate.  First, is it
true that central repo only serves releases?  Second, what's going on
with the example configuration that turns on both releases and
snapshots for the central repo?


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