Can you use SCP instead of SFTP?

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Trevor Harmon <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running into a build failure when doing "mvn deploy" via SFTP. This 
> appears to be a bug that affects any repository whose SFTP host disallows 
> access to the root directory.
> Here's what I know so far: By instrumenting JSch (which does the actual SFTP 
> commands), I can see that the problem occurs when JSch issues a "cd .." too 
> many times. In fact, it does "cd .." all the way back to the root and just 
> keeps on going, doing a "cd .." several more times.
> Ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem, but when the permissions of the SFTP 
> user don't allow cd'ing into the root directory (for increased security), 
> there will be a permission denied error, which in turn causes the build to 
> fail.
> Assuming that the security policy of the server cannot be altered, I'm trying 
> to figure out if there's a way to resolve this on the client side. However, I 
> have no idea why Deploy is trying to "cd .." so many times. For example, if I 
> configure the snapshots repository as something like:
> s
> Then there's no need to cd anywhere above the "snapshots" directory. But 
> Deploy does exactly that, for some reason.
> From studying the logs I put into JSch, Deploy appears to be trying to check 
> the repo for previous artifact metadata, and to do so it issues a "cd" into a 
> directory deep in the hierarchy. But because this artifact doesn't happen to 
> be in the repo, the directory does not exist, yet the code continues on as if 
> it does. It then issues a series of "cd .." commands, which, if the directory 
> existed, would probably bring it back to some appropriate spot in the 
> hierarchy, but because the first "cd" failed, it starts from a much higher 
> level and ends up ascending well past the root.
> Any thoughts? Thanks,
> Trevor
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