On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Anders Hammar <and...@hammar.net> wrote:

> Yes, but the problem is the "we did this with Ant" mentality...
Yep I suspect thats causing me a lot of problems here -- which is why im
asking for suggestions on how else to accomplish the same thing.

Most of our binaries are already setup to use external config files.
But part of the build (filtered resources)  is to generate said external
config files.

But then some of the binary artifacts have environment specific values in
  --ear file for j2ee deployment has libraryPath defined.
  --rar file for j2ee deployment has user/password values

To be able to run 1 build and generate stuff for all 7 of our environments
at the same time would be a serious boon to getting my company to switch to
maven.  but asking/requiring a major re-architecting of the existing setup
and coding will guarantee its not going to happen -- something i dont want
to see.

But re-arranging/re-formatting config files, or putting the values in
different places is no big deal.

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