Resources are for things packaged and to be used at runtime - that doesn't 
sound like what you want here.

This is typically done with a combination of the dependecy & assembly plugin.

You might also be interested in NPanday ( 
which provides several .NET specific plugins if that's the flavour of DLL you 
are dealing with.

- Brett

On 06/01/2011, at 11:22 AM, Phillip Hellewell wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Phillip Hellewell <> wrote:
>> My question now is, if I want to define the <resources> in a separate
>> stand-alone xml file (actually there will be more than one), rather
>> than in the pom.xml, what code/class do I use to read an xml file into
>> a java.util.List of org.apache.maven.model.Resource?
> Would it work to take read the <resources> tag from my XML, surround
> it with <project><build>   </build></project> or whatever to make it a
> valid pom, and then use the MavenXpp3Reader to parse that?
> I think I found the code where it parses a Resource, and obviously I
> don't want to duplicate that code in my own plugin:
> Phillip
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Brett Porter

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