
I see a different behavior in Maven 2.2.1 and Maven 3.0.2.

Suppose I have


Later, it is used in expression to configure some plugin:


*Before* this configuration is running, yet another plugin overrides
to another value by calling
mavenProject.getProperties().setProperty( "propertyDir", "dirdir" )

Now, in Maven 2 <configuration> above will see new value and resolve to "
pl-290-4/*dirdir*/1" but in Maven 3
it will see an old one and resolve to "pl-290-4/*dir*/1". As if Maven 2
interpolates ${propertyDir} dynamically
but Maven 3 does so statically so even having ${propertyDir} updated at
run-time the value of expression where
it is involved stays the same.

Here is the POM <http://goo.gl/K3rkS> and if I uncomment line
29<http://goo.gl/JYcsX> expression
in line 143 <http://goo.gl/HEKzq> will create a directory that will fail an
assert in
line 195 <http://goo.gl/YExqW> in Maven 3.0.2 but not in Maven 2.2.1. The
value is overridden in line 62 <http://goo.gl/0wFZs>.

What do you say the correct behavior is?  Is it Maven 3 bug or feature?
Appreciate your help!

Best regards,

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