On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:24 PM, Fernando Wermus
<fwer...@odeasrl.com.ar> wrote:
> I am trying to run mvn eclipse:eclipse in parent pom.xml without any
> success.
> I am not sure if pom.xml for constructing developer environment run mvn
> eclipse:eclipse in pom.xml parent or in itself. I am almost sure that is
> doing it in parent pom.xml without any success.

What you have described so far appears reasonable.

Can you please run
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Pdeveloper
and paste the error output.

I'd recommend against putting the eclipse configuration inside a profile.
What I do instead is to put this inside
build > pluginManagement
So that people can run
mvn eclipse:eclipse
without having to remember to turn on a profile
Rememeber, the eclipse plugin does not participate in the standard lifecycle.

If this is for internal development inside your company, then I
recommend putting this stuff into your corporate parent pom.
That way any maven projects get this configuration - not just your project

Personally I dont use these options below

By doing this you've made some assumptions that may not be valid:
* that the workspace is always one directory above where you checked
out the code.
* that the code style file is in a fixed location on disk.

Since the code style file doesn't change that regularly we do all that
manually, by downloading it and installing it via Window >

If you do want to automate it then check out
If you bundle corporate stuff into its own project, then you can use
copy-resources to put them into your target/ directory and then
reference them that way.  It may be better to place them into a
different directory than target/ so they dont get deleted when you run
clean.  But at least these are now project local references instead of
fixed references.

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