Cool, I also found maven-scala-plugin
Is there nothing needed in maven that someone else has not already thought of?

I guess there are no useful maven plugins left for me to write - just joking.

I must go play with maven-scala-plugin now - bwa-ha-ha-ha

Cheers, Eric

On 2011-08-26 10:55 AM, Brian Topping wrote:
Oh yah, that's right, there is a Groovy plugin.  Another one of those paths 
that I would use sparingly.  (Well actually, on the project I saw it used on, I 
went through and replaced it immediately.)
 is an example.

The Maven plugins project has a wealth of tricks in it across the various 
plugins if/when you choose to create a true plugin.

On Aug 26, 2011, at 1:46 PM, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:

OK, I grok the use of antrun as illustrated below. Is there anything more 
general than antrun, for example execute some arbitrary commands or script 
without having to write a plug-n? I'm thinking of a JavaScipt, Groovy or Scala 
plugin - or am I just dreaming? If not, it might be fun to write such a plugin 
for Maven, but for the moment I need a more expedient solution.

Cheers, Eric


                  Place any Ant task here. You can add anything
                  you can add between<target>   and</target>   in a


On 2011-08-26 9:27 AM, Brian Topping wrote:
On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:13 PM, Hilco Wijbenga wrote:

On 26 August 2011 07:02, Brian Topping<>   wrote:
A lot of people use antrun, see  I 
personally do that as a last resort.
What does a hurricane map have to do with Ant? :-)
LOL!  That was a map I was posting elsewhere about where not to buy an 
apartment in NYC.  I meant to post,
 which has a reply from Tim O'Brien regarding antrun.

Anyway, off to write a plugin.  Too much fascinating information in the news 
today, gotta get some work done.

Cheers, Brian
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