On 23/01/2012 10:30 AM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
See when Maven is the build tool, I usually find it easier to just checkout my -SNAPSHOT deps locally and build them. That way I have complete control over when they get updated.

Some times the guys do that as well.

On 23 January 2012 15:17, Ron Wheeler <rwhee...@artifact-software.com <mailto:rwhee...@artifact-software.com>> wrote:

    We use SNAPSHOTs extensively and deploy them when they are ready
    to be used by a consuming project.
    For example, we often have one person working on the database and
    the DAOs, another person working on the Web services and a third
    person working on the GUI components.
    The GUI person often needs a stub of the web service very early in
    the process so that they can produce mockups and get started
    producing real code. The person doing the web service may want
    parts of the DAO stubbed in order to work on the web service
    logic. They might also request new queries or other functional
    changes to the DAO as the Web Service gets implemented which will
    cause a new SNAPSHOT of the DAO to be required.

    Over a week, the team might deploy several versions of the
    SNAPSHOTs with increasing functionality.

    The person doing the consuming has to be aware of new deployments
    so that their tests make sense.
    If the web service was stubbed and returned 7 for the record
    count, the person writing the GUI will be surprised when it starts
    to show 3 (from the actual database) unless they have been
    informed in advance by the person deploying the revised Web
    Service. They may in fact ask to have the Web Service deployment
    delayed until the GUI can be fixed to handle the revised
    specification or they get through a customer presentation.


    On 23/01/2012 9:32 AM, Stephen Connolly wrote:

    On 23 January 2012 13:25, Ron Wheeler
    <mailto:rwhee...@artifact-software.com>> wrote:

        You could reach out to the Hudson user community.

        I do not use Hudson although many people here do use Maven
        and Hudson together.

    Most use Jenkins rather than that scurrilous fork "Hudson" ;-)

        We have a large project with over 90 maven projects of which
        70 produce artifacts based on our code.
        We have a small team but have some rules about releases and
        We use "Releases" in a conventional way.
        SNAPSHOTs get deployed to Nexus with a spec and a warranty
        from the person doing the deploy.

        The spec may be verbal or in an e-mail "I have deployed a new
        SNAPSHOT of Web Service x that has dummy database access and
        always returns 7 when you ask for a record count and returns
        testrecorda regardless of the search critera on a lookup. I
        have tested this and it works"

        If you are a consumer of x, you have to decide if you want to
        keep using the older SNAPSHOT (only had the record count
        function, for example) or fix your code to take advantage of
        the increased/changed functionality(lookup stub partially
        working) included in the new version.

        This is a lot different from the workflow when using Hudson.
        I don't really understand the Hudson philosophy and how you
        avoid the human communication and management required to
        manage a multi-person project that uses stubs and partially
        functional modules in the process of developnment.

    I don't really understand why people are so afraid of making
    releases. Personally, I _never_ deploy -SNAPSHOTs to remote
    repos, and I try to never consume them also.


        On 23/01/2012 2:36 AM, Thomas Scheffler wrote:

            Am 20.01.2012 16:27, schrieb Ron Wheeler:

                Of all of the developers that have built thousands of
                applications using
                Maven, you are the only one who wants to do this.

                Does that not raise any red flags?

                There must be a "best practice" for what you are
                trying to achieve.
                This is clearly not it.

            Hi Ron,

            did you faced that problem already? What is your solution
            or what would be a general solution of keeping track
            unique version numbers?

            Through Hudson I run tests in a core library, the
            SNAPSHOT library, that got releases from time to time.
            Between those releases a SNAPSHOT is deployed to a
            snapshot repository from where another Hudson project
            gets this library and run integration test.

            Some more projects rely on this core library and it would
            be a good deal to get the unique version number right
            from the library. For now we embed the revision number
            from scm into the library. So you can look in hudson when
            this revision was tested and look in the console log the
            "unique version" number.

            These are a lot of manual task to to. I want this to be
            determined in a easier way. So if you could be please so
            kind to point me to what you say is the "best practice"



                On 20/01/2012 10:14 AM, Stephen Connolly wrote:

                    2012/1/20 Thomas

                        Am 20.01.2012 15:30, schrieb Stephen Connolly:

                            2012/1/20 Thomas

                                Am 20.01.2012 12:40, schrieb Stephen

                                    You can stuff what ever you want
                                    in tge manifest.

                                    Google is your friend: maven jar
                                    plugin manifest customization


                                yeah I know that. But how can I put
                                the "unique version number"
                                into the

                        OK, let me put this in another form, so you
                        might understand what I was
                        asking you.

                        I know how to put custom keys and values into
                        a manifest. That's the
                        "yeah I
                        know that" above.

                        The question should have been understand like
                        this: How can I acquire
                        "unique version number" that makes of
                        "1.0-SNAPSHOT" locally
                        "1.0-20120120.121003-6" remotely, so that I
                        can put it into the JAR
                        of the JAR file that is deployed in a remote

                    That string is decided when deploy:deploy is
                    invoked, so you cannot
                    put that string in.

                        Or in other words:
                        The substring "20120120.121003-6" is changing
                        at every deployment. I
                        that part in the manifest.



                            See the example on that screen...

                            See how properties are substituted in?

                            Then you need to go to



                                        Am 20.01.2012 10:32, schrieb
                                        Stephen Connolly:

                                            It cannot.

                                            That is part of the spec
                                            for the layout of a Maven

                                        Is there a way to embed the
                                        unique version string into
                                        the JAR
                                        then? If I test an
                                        application with a snapshot
                                        jar I want stick with
                                        specific version when
                                        deploying the application
                                        later. This
                                        should be

                                        1. Do some automatic test, if
                                        they succeed gather the
                                        unique version
                                        2. At deploy time use the
                                        last successful timestamp.

                                        Maybe someone could help me
                                        with that... :-)




                                            2012/1/20 Thomas



                                                I want to create a
                                                unique SNAPSHOT
                                                version that does not
                                                consist of
                                                timestamp and
                                                buildnumber but is
                                                created by a defined

                                                I read the docs and
                                                googled for a
                                                solution but found no
                                                way to
                                                unique version
                                                string. How can this
                                                be achieved?



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-- Ron Wheeler
        Artifact Software Inc
        email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
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-- Ron Wheeler
    Artifact Software Inc
    skype: ronaldmwheeler
    phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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