
I recommend two "books" from Sonatype, Maven by Example 1) and Maven Cookbook 2)

1) http://www.sonatype.com/index.php/Support/Books/Maven-By-Example
2) http://www.sonatype.com/index.php/Support/Books/The-Maven-Cookbook

On 17.4.2012 16:55, Wolf Geldmacher wrote:
Hi list,

a simple question with (hopefully) a simple answer:

    Is there some coherent documentation of "the Maven way"?

I'm *not* looking for:
* documentation of the Maven syntax
* documentation of Maven plugins
* Maven reference documentation
* "Use the Source, Luke!" style of advice

What I'm looking for is:
* a collection of patterns / anti-patterns in the use of Maven,
* documentation on the "Do's and Dont's" when using Maven,
* documentation of the best practices implemented by Maven,
* documentation of basic assumptions in Maven.

I'm being bitten by gotcha's that spring up at inconvenient times
and *then* being told that I've strayed from "The Way"; I'd rather
follow some road signs upfront than find myself confronted with
scathing dogs in some lonely backyard that I happen to stumble into.

Something along the lines of Chapter 3.6 of "Maven: The Complete
Reference", which sets out to "... distill some of this knowledge to
help you adopt best practices from the start without having to wade
through years of discussions ..." but then, unfortunately, only covers
two (Dependency Grouping and Multi-module vs. Inheritance).
Similar to this, just much more complete and with some
background/rationale thrown in, if possible.

Pointers anyone?

Pretty please?


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