> Especially since the most valuable single
> > bit of advice one can give a new Maven user is:  "if you don't do
> > things Maven's way, Maven will fight you and Maven will win."
> >
> I disagree that it is the "most valuable single bit of advice." It is 
> repeated far
> too frequently, often in cases where there *is* a reasonable technical
> answer to the question being asked.
> Maven is much more flexible than many give it credit for. You can write your
> own plugins to do nearly anything, or invoke Ant with AntRun if you have
> existing Ant-based builds

I would have to disagree here.  For instance, writing your own plugins is a 
horrible idea unless you are very, very, very wise maven user.  The problem is 
that the docs talk a lot about how it's a plugin architecture and how you can 
write your own mojo's.  I've just dealt with a project where they wrote their 
own mojo's for a bunch of stuff that was already provided by other existing 
plugins.  The documentation should emphasize the existing body of plugins and 
provide a guide to the most useful of those and BURY the concept of writing 
your own.   

I think the whole notion of configuring or customizing maven in any way is a 
very tricky issue.  It's front page on the docs, but it's the kind of thing 
that would best be put in Chapter 19 of a long book that covered all of the 
standard stuff  before even broaching the topic.

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