On 18 Apr 2012, at 1:44 AM, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:

> Often the wrong foot is simply not knowing how much Maven does for your for 
> free - because it is not obvious - especially when compared to tools like 
> Ant. When the free stuff is not obvious, we naively start trying to solve 
> problems we do not have to.

The way I describe this is by getting people to ask the right question:

Wrong question: "How do I do X?"
Right question: "Does does maven do X?"

Maven already knows how to do stuff. Find out how maven does it, and let maven 
get on with the job. As soon as you want maven to work your way, and not 
maven's way, expect to have loads of your time wasted, and the time of everyone 
after you too.

The next thing is that maven isn't an alternative to ant, rather maven is an 
alternative to ant's build.xml file. Or to put it another way, maven does what 
build.xml does. build.xml gets written, rewritten and rewritten again for every 
single ant project, but there is only one maven. I have to care how your 
build.xml is different to my build.xml, I have to document how your build.xml 
is different to my build.xml, but if we both used maven, all this becomes 
unnecessary, because there is only one maven.


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