Am 17.01.2013 08:10, schrieb Anders Hammar:
You need to read up on Maven terminology. "deploy" means deploying/copying
to a remote repo (outside your machine). What you seem to be aiming at is
"install" as installing/copying to your local repo on your machine.

Been there, done that. Can't say that the docs are easy to navigate - it's really hard to see whether you have seen everything relevant, and if you want to find the exact definition of some terminology, googling is useless because that terminology is used all over the place and nobody links to the formal definition.

But, you seriously need to look into how Maven is supposed to work.

Again, been there, done that, had the same problems.

I'm turning to this mailing list because the docs didn't work for me. Don't blame me for not having grokked it all, I haven't had a chance for that.

> Trying
to fight the Maven way will just cause you pain and us on the mailing list
a lot of trouble trying to patch your work. Start by getting a repo manager
and set up a remote repo. You need that!

Then please tell why I need that. What's going to go wrong without it.
(A link would be fine.)

Ron, if you're listening here, could you please tell Joachim how you wasted
years not using a repo manager before you saw the light?

No religious terminology like "see the light", "don't fight it", or "Maven way", please.
I vastly prefer understanding over believing.
I also vastly prefer to be in control of the tools, instead of the tools being in control of me.

I'm handing control to tools as I gain confidence in that they'll do what I want. Unfortunately, Maven doesn't really qualify (yet) because of the trouble I'm having with the docs. (I'm not having that kind of trouble with the Spring docs, by the way. Just to give feedback and a data point.)

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