Slightly OT.

Why are you using <argLine> which is for things like JVM memory options
(think -Xmx512m) and not
setting the system properties in surefire/falsesafe's forked JVMs?

You may have a bug, but I suspect the work-around is to use the correct
tool for the job, i.e. systemPropertyVariables

Now if the JVM options are not being passed through, that is a bug

On 5 February 2013 13:35, Timothy Astle <> wrote:

> FYI:  This is a failsafe specific questionand I'm hoping this is the
> correct fall-back mailing list as the surefire-users-subscribe@**
> <> address
> bounces (**surefire/maven-failsafe-**
> plugin/mail-lists.html<>
> ).
> I'm using version 2.13 of the maven failsafe plugin.
> I have aseries of failsafe executions defined in my POM.  Each execution
> takes a unique set of propertiesthat feed selenium tests the information to
> test a particular browser version.
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.maven.**plugins</groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-failsafe-**plugin</artifactId>
> <executions>
> <execution>
> <id>integration-test-selenium-**firefox-12.0</id>
> <configuration>
> <argLine>-Dselenium.port=${**selenium.port}
> -Dbrowser=firefox
> -Dwebapp.url=http://${local_**ip}:${cargo.port}/**myAwesomeApp/
> -Dcargo.home=${cargo.**container.home}
> -Dbrowser.version=12.0
> -Dcontext=myAwesomeApp
> </argLine>
> <includes>
> <include>**/selenium/*ITCase.**java</include>
> </includes>
> </configuration>
> <goals>
> <goal>integration-test</goal>
> </goals>
> </execution>
> ...etc.
> </plugin>
> What I noticed is that if I specify -Dit.test in my command line to cite
> the specific test class that I'd like to test (i.e., mvn
> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug -Dit.test=your.TestCase clean verify
> -Pproduction,selenium), all of the properties within the execution argLine
> are never set.  So the selenium.port is null, the browser is null,
> webapp.url is null, etc. etc.
> Is this the intended behaviour? This does not happen if I specify
> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug. I was hoping that it'd just add it.test to the
> existing collection of properties.
> Any insight is appreciated,
> Tim

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