Also the it.test property is parsed by the Mojo and normally not passed
through to the surefire engine. IOW the Maven plugin uses that property to
decide what tests to ask for running.

On 5 February 2013 13:51, Stephen Connolly

> Slightly OT.
> Why are you using <argLine> which is for things like JVM memory options
> (think -Xmx512m) and not
>  setting the system properties in surefire/falsesafe's forked JVMs?
> You may have a bug, but I suspect the work-around is to use the correct
> tool for the job, i.e. systemPropertyVariables
> Now if the JVM options are not being passed through, that is a bug
> On 5 February 2013 13:35, Timothy Astle <> wrote:
>> FYI:  This is a failsafe specific questionand I'm hoping this is the
>> correct fall-back mailing list as the surefire-users-subscribe@**
>> <> address
>> bounces (**surefire/maven-failsafe-**
>> plugin/mail-lists.html<>
>> ).
>> I'm using version 2.13 of the maven failsafe plugin.
>> I have aseries of failsafe executions defined in my POM.  Each execution
>> takes a unique set of propertiesthat feed selenium tests the information to
>> test a particular browser version.
>> <plugin>
>> <groupId>org.apache.maven.**plugins</groupId>
>> <artifactId>maven-failsafe-**plugin</artifactId>
>> <executions>
>> <execution>
>> <id>integration-test-selenium-**firefox-12.0</id>
>> <configuration>
>> <argLine>-Dselenium.port=${**selenium.port}
>> -Dbrowser=firefox
>> -Dwebapp.url=http://${local_**ip}:${cargo.port}/**myAwesomeApp/
>> -Dcargo.home=${cargo.**container.home}
>> -Dbrowser.version=12.0
>> -Dcontext=myAwesomeApp
>> </argLine>
>> <includes>
>> <include>**/selenium/*ITCase.**java</include>
>> </includes>
>> </configuration>
>> <goals>
>> <goal>integration-test</goal>
>> </goals>
>> </execution>
>> ...etc.
>> </plugin>
>> What I noticed is that if I specify -Dit.test in my command line to cite
>> the specific test class that I'd like to test (i.e., mvn
>> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug -Dit.test=your.TestCase clean verify
>> -Pproduction,selenium), all of the properties within the execution argLine
>> are never set.  So the selenium.port is null, the browser is null,
>> webapp.url is null, etc. etc.
>> Is this the intended behaviour? This does not happen if I specify
>> -Dmaven.failsafe.debug. I was hoping that it'd just add it.test to the
>> existing collection of properties.
>> Any insight is appreciated,
>> Tim

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