Le 6 févr. 2013 10:32, "Joachim Durchholz" <j...@durchholz.org> a écrit :
> Am 30.01.2013 18:14, schrieb Curtis Rueden:
>> If you do not have a server you control, or you think running an MRM is
>> complex, or some other issue, there is install:install-file. Now, I
>> absolutely appreciate the concern that it sucks to force all your
>> developers to do that on every new local machine.
> Yup, that's exactly the issue.
> > But there are ways around
>> it. One simple way is to commit a bootstrapping script to your SCM that
>> automates the entire process:
>>    - Create the POMs for your non-Mavenized projects (as discussed above
>> point #2).
>>    - Commit these POMs to your SCM.
>>    - Write a script that A) downloads the JARs from the external stable
>> URLs; and B) calls "mvn install:install-file" with those JARs +
>> corresponding POMs.
>>    - Commit that script to your SCM.
> Uh... some Windows, some Linux.
> No common scripting toolset available.
> That's the main reason why I'm so insistent on making it all actionable
from Eclipse: It's a common toolset that I can assume for everyone.
>> If you are not 100% absolutely sure the external URLs are stable and
>> immutable, you can commit the JARs themselves to your SCM instead of
>> letting the script download them. (And feel the nostalgia of being back
>> the good ol' days of pure Ant!)
> Some of that will probably have to happen.
> I just found a jar that doesn't even have a stable public SCM :-(
> Still, I want to leverage what can be had. Everything automated is one
thing less that needs explaining or fixing up after the inevitable errors
have happened.
>> Regarding Joachim's concern of preserving the metadata: that is one of
>> Maven's great strengths. In the POMs you define, you can add all the
>> information you want. You can define the developers & contributors to the
>> project. You can define the project's web site URL. You can define the
>> used. You can define the issue tracker used. The list goes on and on.
[1, 2]
> Yup, that's exactly what I am doing currently.
>> OK, so after reading all that, you might think it could be nice to have a
>> Maven plugin that does what the shell script above would do, given a
>> directory full of POMs or something. Then you could bind it to a phase of
>> the build and things would "just work" again without developers needing
>> manually bootstrap. So lastly, I agree with Wayne that if you want
>> something like that (because you can't run an MRM for some reason), feel
>> free to scratch your itch. It would be a valuable addition to the Maven
>> ecosystem!

Well, I guess you take what Wayne said out of context. He also said there's
a lot of people that don't think this tooling is useful. They'll just
install a mrm for the whole company. If you talk about learning curve, it's
actually faaaar simpler to just do that and keeping a simple pom to
maintain for newbies than having some kind of black magic that they won't
find any doc/feedback about in the community since the vast majority of the
community just don't do it that complicated way.

> Heh. I'd love to, but I'm already battling on so many frontiers that I'll
have to leave that one to somebody else.
> I guess most people simply use the Ant plugin for that kind of task.

They use a mrm and a simple settings.xml for the whole company.

> The issue I have with Ant is that the project is far too complicated as
it is; a newbie who starts

Yup, that's the point.

> hacking already has to learn Maven, m2e and how it influences Eclipse
projects, all the libraries that I'm pulling in; it's a pretty steep
learning curve already. I'm trying to cut down on technologies you need to
know to start hacking on my project, and Ant looks like it could be avoided.
> Maybe I'll have to give in ultimately. But I really want to find out if
there's an alternative.

Stop resisting ;). There're not. At least there are no *simpler*
alternative. That's the point. :)

-- Baptiste

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