Am 06.02.2013 21:43, schrieb Stephen Connolly:
If these dependencies are OSS just upload them to central.. Even under your
own groupId if you feel uncomfortable pushing under the originating
projects gId

They indeed are, so I was considering that option myself.
I actually read the process up. It's just that I wasn't sure how much work that would be - I *would* have to invest some due diligence in that.

Originating group coordinate wouldn't be a problem, I'd simply talk to the project explaining that they can always override whatever I'm doing in their name. I'm currently acquiring another external dependency of the same kind, and that one's a real stinker: C++, and supposed to be recompiled for each situation (there's variants for Linux, Mac, and Windows, each can be combined with either float or double, and there are more options which might or might not generate more distinct artifacts). Fortunately, I found a Java port that should do and would probably be mavenizable. Except it's written with floats and I need double - sometimes I hate Java. It's not mavenized and uses unmavenized dependencies - that's going to be more work :-(
Ah well.

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