Am 07.03.2013 13:05, schrieb Andreas Gudian:
That's not really what I want.
I want a declarative specification so the tool can decide what build steps
to run.
I want full scripting only for the individual build steps. This probably
means an obligation to specify the declarative metadata so the tool can set
up its build plan. Plus this probably also means that people will need a
way to test whether their metadata are correct, since otherwise people will
get subtle errors into the build plan.

Then the ant-plugin should help you. Eclipse might have a harder time in
that case, though.

I've been considering the ant plugin, but that's excactly the catch I've been worrying about.

The other reason is that Maven literature have generally been listing Ant as a kind of cop-out that should be avoided. But maybe I've been taking that advice more seriously than it was ever intended, so I'll probably try that.


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