2014-02-17 7:55 GMT+01:00 David Law <m2ecli...@apconsult.de>:

> Ron, Wayne,
> this wasted several days (elapsed) of my time:
> I spent ages trying out options & trying to figure out what I'd done
> wrong...
> ...rebuilding & updating indices, hacking through to
> workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration,
> to set logging to ALL, but even ALL  was somewhat sparse.

M2E is not Maven per-se. When a question is about a particular tool, I'd
advice you to try and target the most specific ML/support system:

> I tried Google & found loads of hits that had nothing to do with it.
> I found nothing at apache maven or maven central or m2eclipse.
> I tried the POI Forum, but it became clear that wasn't the problem.
> As Wayne rightly points out "where is the right place to document it?".
> With a complex issue like this with multiple components where do you start?
> But thats all the more reason to document it somewhere...

> Right now it seems to me not to be a maven problem as such.
> Its about how maven central creates its indices & how m2e uses them.
> So in theory it needs to be documented in both, correspondingly
> cross-referenced.
> But as the m2e FAQ is subscription-only it would seem the only place is the
> maven central FAQ.  And its so important, it should be a point in its
> own right:
> "Why can't I see new artifacts in my client (e.g. m2eclipse)?"
> (Tip -> you can get as-yet-unindexed artifacts explicitly...blah, blah)

Again, not the best ML to discuss it.

> And then there's the question, why does m2e use the high-latency index?

If its performance/server-load, then it could be
> a rethink of the index-structure is necessary.
> Is that a maven issue?
> I have some ideas there...

Definitely not Maven related. Maven core has nothing to do with the indexes
you describe, doesn't know/need it.
It's more an IDE/search engine facility to help people find versions. I
personally almost never use those for example.


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