Jörg Schaible's response was so neat that I could not resist writing a blog article about it.

http://blog.artifact-software.com/tech/?p=229 is the post.
If there are any comments about how to improve the article, I would appreciate the feedback.


On 17/07/2014 5:03 AM, Jörg Schaible wrote:
Hi Alejandro,

alejandro.e...@miranda.com wrote:

Hi Curtis,

I *think* i see you point, but wouldn't that happen ONLY if the constant
is public and referenced in a separate jar?? where it would be inlined in
the referring class (right?). In my case the constant is package protected
(it would be private if it wasn't because i need it in unit tests)

The problem with defining it in the manifest is that I use this constant
in the property of an annotation of the class

@StaticServiceProperty(mandatory = true, type = "java.lang.String", name =
"schemaVersion", value = SchemaProviderServiceImpl.SCHEMA_VERSION,
immutable = true)
public class SchemaProviderServiceImpl

so I can't grab it from the manifest at runtime. I guess the way I phrased
it in the original email implied the opposite, sorry about that

typical solution is to generate the source.

Move the Java code that should contain the version into an own directory
tree (e.g. src/main/java-templates). Replace the version string with an
expression (e.g. "${project.version}") and use the copy-resources goal of
the resources plugin to filter the file into a target driectory tree (e.g.
target/generated-sources). Bind the goal to the generate-sources phase. Then
use additionally the build-helper plugin to add target/generated-sources as
additional source directory and you're done.


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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
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