I have added a link to Karl's blog to my article.

On 17/07/2014 1:34 PM, Curtis Rueden wrote:
Hi all,

Best and simple solution...which i wrote longer time a go a blog about


I agree with Karl: I think it is much nicer to use the maven-jar-plugin to
add the version to the JAR manifest, and just read it out of there, using
the options:


That's not to say that code generation with Maven isn't awesome though.
Codehaus deserves major kudos for the buildhelper-maven-plugin, especially
since it is supported by M2E as well!

In one my projects, we combine this with the groovy-maven-plugin and Apache
Velocity to auto-generate many classes from templates in a loop.

I considered improving the velocity-maven-plugin [1] to support this sort
of thing (reusing the same template to generate a list of classes), but the
groovy approach is easy and works just fine.

Now we just need an official Maven page about how to do this, since AFAICT
all the existing blog posts and SO questions don't explain it very clearly.

Great stuff,

[1] https://code.google.com/p/velocity-maven-plugin/

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de>


Move the Java code that should contain the version into an own directory
tree (e.g. src/main/java-templates). Replace the version string with an
expression (e.g. "${project.version}") and use the copy-resources goal of
the resources plugin to filter the file into a target driectory tree (e.g.
target/generated-sources). Bind the goal to the generate-sources phase.
use additionally the build-helper plugin to add target/generated-sources
additional source directory and you're done.

Best solution was already mentoined by Robert Scholte by using the
templating-maven-plugin which exactly supports that scenario without
supplemental addition of target/generated-sources folder by
build-helpr-maven-plugin etc.

Just simply create the template files in src/main/java-templates/ use the
expressions etc. no need for supplemental configuration of
maven-resources-plugin etc.

Best and simple solution...which i wrote longer time a go a blog about

Kind regards
Karl-Heinz Marbaise

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