Maven Indexer requires FS access, hence, you can index only local repositories. 
To have indexing context of remote repository, you must ensure that remote 
repository publishes the index. If remote does not publish it, you have no 
other choice than nag the remote repository owner to publish it.

You have working examples in repo that shows how to get and keep fresh Central 
index (that is a remote index and does publish index).


On 24 Nov 2014 at 12:46:37, Eduard Moraru ( wrote:


I have a new question: How can I index a remote repository? All the  
examples I have found and even the NexusIndexerCli seem to be focused about  
indexing *only* local repositories and then publishing this index for  

I do not want to do that. Is there any way I can pass an URL to an  
IndexPackingRequest instead of a (local) directory? Basically, my use case  

1. Take a maven URL  
2. If it has an index already created, use it through an  
3. If not, create a local index (IndexPackingRequest?)  
4. In both cases, I then need to periodically update/synchronize my local  
index of the remote repository.  

Any help is deeply appreciated.  


On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Eduard Moraru <> wrote:  

> Hi,  
> I have recently started playing with the maven indexer [1], following the  
> examples [2], and I have some questions (since AFAIS, documentation is  
> practically unexistent on the matter):  
> 1) From what I can understand, you need an IndexingContext for each  
> repository you plan to index. This makes you end up with n lucene indexes,  
> one for each repository. Is there any way that I could have just 1 lucene  
> index, with all my repositories indexed in the same place? If the main  
> purpose is searchig, why scatter the indexed information across n indexes  
> and make the whole process dificult? Maybe I`m missing something.  
> 2) On the same line as the first question, when it comes to searching, it  
> seems that I can use a MergedIndexingContext to perform a search on  
> multiple (all) indexed repositories (IndexingContexts). How does this merge  
> the search results? I assume it takes each lucene index and queries it  
> individually, but this probably means that the lucene scores of these  
> merged results are completely messed up and ureliable, right?  
> Any suggestions on how to properly perform search over multiple indexed  
> repositories?  
> 3) About the Plexus Container: Am I forced to initialize and use one, or  
> can I/should manually instantiate the default implementations and use them  
> instead?  
> I`ll probably come up with more questions along the way, hope someone will  
> find the time to guide me on the right path.  
> Thanks,  
> Eduard  
> ----------  
> [1]  
> [2]  

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